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Actividad integradora

What happened?

Unidad 7

Name: Angelica Janeth Pérez Acosta

Facilitador: Juan Guillermo Hernandez Santos

The unexpected game


This story occurs in 2010 at a primary school in the City of Carmen. It tells us that a game
of volleyball between schools in the area, the strange thing is that everyone knew what
would happen less than the students of Ezequiel Rodríguez Arcos, Elementary School since
the teacher only comments that it would be a game against the other group of sixth
degree, but winning The party, the teacher surprises them and this causes unimaginable


We had practiced volleyball for several days at school, I was in group sixth B and we were
very well, that day Professor Cayito told us that the next day we would compete against
the other group of sixth and that the winner would take 1 extra point. qualifying and an A
medal, so we were very happy, we thought we would win. The next day we arrived and
began to practice. The teacher came up and told us that the game would start at 9 in the
We won the game and when we turned around we saw that we had a lot of audience the
teacher approached and tells us that it is a tournament of all the schools in the area so we
started to get very nervous, however the competition started and we won. In the end we
played with school Benito Juarez who. were very good; At the beginning of the game we
were so nervous that we were losing.

When half of the game arrived the teacher approached and began to tell us that
we could overcome them that fear was stopping us and if we continued in fear we
would lose courage and win, we went on the field with a lot of desire to win;
The match ended and we won with 10 points the teacher congratulated us and
we have learned to leave the fear behind.

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