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By: Rio, Nicolas Sachio, Dave

The Nature of Memory
● there are 3 memory are commonly distinguished such as personal memory,
factual memory and practical memory.
● personal memory is a refers of your internal recollection of vurios event that
make your life.
● practical memory is consists for people memory of the various skills and habits
that people have acquired in people life, such as knowing how to ski or play the
● Factual memory is refers to the part of memory which is concerned with
meanings facts and ideas.
The Mechanics of Memory
- a false picture and according to a or one popular view of memory said which we
will call the storehouse model
- memories are faithful copies of experience which are stored in the mind and can
be required.
- in the recent survey there are more than 60% of people agreed that the statement
is “Human memory works like a video camera and accurately recording the
events we see and hear’.
- there are 3 main memory process are usually distinguished such as encoding,
storage and retrieval and these refers repectively to capturing, storing and
accessing information,
Reliability of Memory
Our memory can be Unreliable as these things can happen:



Flash bulb memories

Memory Bias
1. Egocentric Bias
2. Narrative Bias
3. Emotional Bias
4. Vivid Bias
5. Hindsight Bias
6. Source Amnesia

Unconscious plagiarism
Eye Witness Testimony
1. Stereotyping
2. Misidentification
3. Leading Questions
4. Imaginary Inflation
Memory and Culture
Social Memory is vital to the preservation and transmission of culture for it enables us
to build on the achievements of our forebears

There are a lot of ways on how Knowledge is remembered and passed on in the form
of language.
1. Oral Culture
Knowledge is limited to the collective memory of the group. This puts a serious
limitation on the amount that can be known. If the wisdom of the tribe is not
committed to memory then it can't be passed on to the next generation and will be
permanently lost.

Oral Societies tend to encode their knowledge in formulaic patterns like rhymes,
proverbs, and cliches, which are easy to memorise.

They tend to be cognitively conservative: for any experimentation or divergence from

established ways of thinking puts the wisdom that has been accumulated over
generations at risk.

The Members capable of prodigious feats of memory.

2. Written Culture
For Transfer memory to physical objects like clay tablet or rolls of papyrus. The shift
from Oral to Written Culture, and the slow but steady rise of the latter, led to a
fundamental change in the way people think.

Once people are freed from the constraints imposed by memory, they will to speculate
and question the traditions of the group

People Knowledge was limited to what they were personally able to remember. So,
Written Culture happens.
3. Internet Culture
The Digital Technology is changing the way people think.

We tend to forget information that can easily be found online (Brain operates on a use
it or lose it).

Example: Mind-mapping programs make it easier for us to organise complex

information, they may make it easier for us to remember it.

Nowadays, We store everything in digital form. So, without them, We forgot

The Ethics Of Memory
Personal Relationships

Shared memories are in ingredient in all personal relationships, and they play a
particularly important role in cementing family ties and friendships.

Such Thick Connections carry obligations with them, in the sense that there are things
we think friends and family ought to remember.

Example: You are upset if no one remember your Birthday. So, People don't like the
idea of being quickly forgotten.
Social Relationships require the ability to remember, it could be argued that they also
require the ability to forget.

Nowadays, in the Internet age, it is easy to retrieve an insulting email or text years
after it was sent and relive the hurt in all its original intensity.

There may be wisdom in the advice that we should forgive and forget but it could be
that in order to forgive you must first be able to forget which are more difficult
Meddling with Memory

External Factors that affect our Brain to receive Knowledge and to remember it:

1. Drugs
2. Relationship Problems
The Right to be forgotten

Before digital Revolution, What We did, it might not be

forgotten quickly

Now, If someone post your behavior online, it may live on to

haunt you forever
The Politics Of Memory
Memory is a social as well as a personal phenomenon, and past events and national
heroes are kept alive in historical memory through such reminders as monuments or
street names.

Example: Japan set aside special days to commemorate national tragedies like
Hiroshima Day in Japan (6 August). This event become part of a shared story which
helps to forge a sense of national identity and define who we are as a people.

So, Historical Memory plays a similar role in a country to the role personal memory
does in an individual.
● Memories are not as reliable as We like to think and we have explored the
problems that arise from our tendency to forget and misremember things.
● Forgetting does have benefits as well as drawbacks. Example: We sometimes need
to forget negative experience. Forgetting enables us to eliminate irrelevant or out-
of-date information that is no longer useful.
● In Fact, Perfect Memory might be more of a curse than a blessing.
● If We never forgot anything, we might be be dazzled by the uniqueness of things
that we would be unable to see the similarities between them
● We would then be unable to generalize and We would experience a kind of
mental gridlock. If we are to have any connection with the past, We have to
believe that our memories do not systematically deceive us. Our memories are
likely to be flawed, but when it comes to Knowledge of the past, they are the only
thing that is available to us.

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