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My hospitals

🏥 Kannia hospitals
🔴location : in Blitar

Healthy life strong soul

Being a hospital with excellent service, the people's main choice
● Providing fast, precise and accurate health services.
● Prioritizing patient satisfaction and safety.
● Providing affordable health services to all levels of society.
● Improve employee knowledge and skills, so that they are able to carry out
professional services.
● Improve the quality of medical devices that can provide more value for health
What make my hospital special ?
● facilities at my hospital are international
● attach importance to friendly service
● clean environment
● health personnel who are competent and professional in their fields
How contact our hospital ?
1. Phone number : 081554235200
2. Ig : kanniahospital
3. Email :
4. Line : kanniahospital1234
How will you promote ?
● By media social (instagram , wa , etc)
● By advertisement like in magazine , newspaper , television , radio , billboard

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