Waste Production: Defined As, The Production of Unwanted Materials As A By-Product of Economic Processes

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Defined as,

The production of unwanted materials as

a by-product of economic processes.
Waste Production Categories:
A. Discharges into Water:
The release of unwanted waste material into water systems. This inc
ludes point discharges, such as sewer pipes, and distributed dischar
ges, such as fertilizer runoff.

B. Emissions into Air:

The release of unwanted waste into the air. This includes by-produc
ts from cars, factories, and power plants. This also includes the relea
se of volatiles from manufacturing processes.

C. Releases into Soils:

The release of unwanted waste directly into or onto the soil.
This includes industrial spills, fertilizer, etc.

People are unaware of consequence of their unwise acts. They do not

think what will be the effect of their every action concerning Mother Nat
ure. This is related to selfishness for they don’t think about how it will a
ffect others.

People are not following correct rules of proper waste disposal. They t
hrow their waste in what place they want carelessly thinking what will b
e the effect of that one indisposed properly trash. They aren’t able to gi
ve time in finding bins for their garbage.

Instead of keeping or trading excess things to maximize uses, they bo
ught new one for only like not a need.

Lung diseases, heart problems, skin irritation, probl
em or abnormality in breathing, and more are exam
ples of diseases due to pollution caused by imprope
r waste disposal.
Dangerous wastes if dumped into the environment leeches the ground and the ground
water where some communities get their drinking water. In marine environment, improp
er waste disposal kills aquatic animals due to the excretion of chemicals.

As some waste decomposes, it releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere trappi
ng of heat affecting weather condition.
It is causes by presence of man-made chemicals (e.g. petroleum hydrocarbons, solven
ts, pesticides, lead and etc.), leaching of wastes from landfills or incorrect disposal of in
dustrial wastes. It is observable by the softness of the ground, having smelly soil vapor,
and other alteration in the natural soil environment.

It was caused open burning of waste (e.g. rubber and plastic). It produced methane ga
s which is one of the main components of landfill gas and much more effective than car
bon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.

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