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Group Members:
Syed Muhammad Ebad Hassan
Muhammad Sameer
Muhammad Ali Kazmi
Muhammad Saqib
What is Communication

Communication apprehension(also
known as stage fright) is the broad
term that refers to an individual’s
“fear or anxiety associated with
either real or anticipated
communication with another person
or persons
Causes of
Symptoms of Communication
Types of Communication

Audience anxiety is when a
specific individual or group of
people creates a problem on
communication. For some people,
anxiety can be caused by familiar
peers, while for others it can be
caused by unfamiliar faces.
At the beginning of a speech
class, the students tend to be
fearful since they see new faces
which increases the levels of
communication apprehension.
Audience Anxiety

However, once the students get to

know each other they feel
comfortable; decreasing or eliminating
their levels of apprehension.
Types of Communication Apprehension

Trait anxiety is considered a personality

type, which represents that the individual
has an orientation to feel anxiety during
the communication act regardless of the
situation, audience or context.
This type of people will avoid exposing
themselves to a communication
situation, since their communication
apprehension is part of their daily
Context Anxiety
Context anxiety causes communication
apprehension due to a specific context.
Anxiety becomes a an issue in the
communication environments that are new
to us.

The 3 Major context in Context Anxiety:

• Formality

• Uncertainty

• Novelty
Ways to overcome
Communication Apprehension.

• Join more public

speaking activities.
• Gain experience.
• Practise by imagining
yourself talking to an

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