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History of Definition of Principles of Implementations
Why sustainable
Sustainable Sustainable Sustainable of Sustainable
Development Development Development Development

Lecture Outline
Why Sustainable
• Countries in the world: industrialized
countries and developing countries
• Differences between industrialized and
developing countries: a gradient of
extreme consumption and production
• Other differences: rate of population
growth, life expectancy, health care etc.
• Population growth  An increasing usage
of resources, renewable and non
• It is necessary to achieve a situation in
which people satisfy their needs
Why Sustainable Development?
• “Development” Outcomes
• Development is about people, not
necessarily the economy. Human Capital Physical capital

• Development is a process, aim to improve

the welfare of the population
• Finding ways to satisfy and improve
human needs. Development

• “Growth” vs “Development”
• Growth – the quantitative increase in size -Health -Rights
or throughput of biophysical matter. -Education -Equity
-Quality of life -Rule of law
• Development – the qualitative
improvement in economic welfare from
increased quality of goods and services as -Employment
defined by their ability to increase human -Surplus
4 The United Nations
3 Conference on
Environment and
“Our Common Development
2 Future” (1987), also
known as The
(UNCED) (Rio de
United Nations Janeiro, 1992), also
Brundlandt Report, known as the Rio
Conference on the
1 “The Limits to Human Environment
which was released
by World Commission
Summit, Rio
Conference, Earth
(Stockholm, 1972) on Environment and
Growth” (1972), by Summit
Donella H. Meadows, Development.
Dennis L. Meadows,
Jørgen Randers, and
William W. Behrens.

History of Sustainable Development

Definition of Sustainable Development
• “[…] development which meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs". (Brundtland
Report, 1987)
• “Development that improves the total quality of life,
both now and in the future, in a way that maintains
the ecological processes on which life depends.”
(National Strategy of ESD, Commonwealth of
Australia, 1992)
• “The goal of sustainable development is to enable all
people throughout the world to satisfy their basic
needs and enjoy a better quality of life, without
compromising the quality of life of future
generations.” (The UK Sustainable Development
Strategy, 2005)
• “[Sustainable Development] aims at the
continuous improvement of the quality of life and
well-being on Earth for present and future
generations.” (The EU Sustainable Development
Strategy, 2006)

Definition of • “Pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah konsep

pembangunan yang menyelaraskan kepentingan
Sustainable pembangunan dengan pengelolaan lingkungan.”
Development (Sudharta P. Hadi, 2007)
• “Pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah
pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya
manusia dengan memperhatikan batasan-batasan
agar tidak mengancam kehidupan dimasa
mendatang.” (Emil Salim)
Principles of Sustainable Development
• The three pillars of Sustainability:
• Economy
• Environment
• Society
Principles of Sustainable Development

• Some principles of Sustainable Development:

 Anthropocentrism
 Nature/Biodiversity Conservation
 Justice and Equity (intragenerational equity, intergenerational
equity, environmental justice)
 Comprehensiveness
 Long term durability
 Internalization of environmental costs  “polluters pay”
 Precautionary Principle
Principles of Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Social Equity Economic Efficiency

•Living conditions •Economic growth •Consumption of resources

•Equal opportunity •Efficiency and •Materials and wastes
•Social cohesion competitiveness •Risks
•International solidarity •Flexibility and stability •Rate of change
•Maintenance of human •Production / consumption •Natural and cultural
capital. •Employment landscape
•International trade
Implementations of Sustainable Development

Water supply and

Chemical industry: Manufacturing

• Environmentally benign • Integrated water • Use of recyclable

products resources management materials
• Minimalization of by- • Reducing packaging
products • Energy conservation
• Cleaner production/
manufacturing process
Implementations of Sustainable Development

Transportation: Public policy:
• Alternative fuels • Economic tools and • Energy efficiency and
• Urban planning to institutional processes conservation
facilitate pedestrians, to facilitate and • Life Cycle Assessment
bicycles, and public encourage green (LCA) of
transport technology and lifestyle building/construction
• Cleaner • Environmental Impact materials
production/manufacturi Assessment
ng process • Environmental related

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