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This is YOUr

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LEADERSHIP is the process of control, guidance,
direction and governance to a person, group or
o it is a key dynamic factor that motivates and
coordinates groups/ organizations to accomplish their
o Without being inspired by a leader, the whole
organization or department might drift along with no
definite focus.
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LEADERSHIP is the process of control, guidance,
direction and governance to a person, group or
- it is a key dynamic factor that motivates and
coordinates groups/ organizations to accomplish their
-Without being inspired by a leader, the whole
organization or department might drift along with no
definite focus.
Climbing the
Ladder in Stilettos
According to the author of this book – Lynette Lewis
that deep inside every child is a recording tape
waiting to be filled. as one grows up, he/she
oftentimes look up to people who will have gone a
head of team to teach them about what they need to
know about life.

Recording Tapes
GOOD TAPES – they heard what they needed to
hear and grew up emotionally and spiritually sound.
BAD TAPES – they heard hurting and discouraging
words instead of affirmation instead of affirmation
which may them either selfish or vengeful.
BLANK TAPES- having grown in a home where
people are mechanicle and passive, which made
them passive and and unsure of their direction as
17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
(John Maxwell)
1. A leader sees the significance of every team
2. A good leader knows the goal more than the role.
3. A good leader gives each member a niche.
4. A great leader nurtures hia team.
5. A good leader is a catalist

17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
(John Maxwell)
6. A good leader has a vision.
7. A good leader has a character.
8. A good leader is willing to make adjustments no
matter what how good the initial plan may be.
9. A good leader communicates.
10. A good leader boosts the morale of his team.
Self-Government/Internal Government
It is the process of governing one’s self.

Purpose = Leader’s Identity

Vision = Leader’s Foresight
Internal Government = Leader’s Credebility

You may have purpose and vision that you hold on to, but it
is self-governance that will hold you.

Purpose of this topic
You are a future leader of our nation.
- This study aims to train students not only
academically, but also to become governors with
- Without character, a person willl not become the
kind of leaders that will make a positive impact in
our country.
- One vital character trait for leadership is INTERNAL
- Internal Government is who you really are
without anyone watching.
▧ A person with internal goverment will stop at a
red light even where there’s no traffic enforcer
▧ A person with internal goverment will properly
dispose of trash even when no one is watching.
▧ A student with internal goverment will not
cheat during his/ her exams even if he/she will
not be caught

As a leader, you may have purpose, vision and
integrity, but without internal government, you will end up
abusing your power
A. Principles of Internal Government
1. You cannot govern others if you cannot govern yourself.
Good goverment is no subsititute for self-government.
- Mahatma Gandhi (Hindu Indian Philosopher.
2. The less internal Government you have, the more external
government you will require.
The failues in governance in in certain spheres results
in the need for other spheres .

▧ NSTP students s stated in the NSTP Law
and its Implementing Rules and
Regulation are being trained as youth
leaders who will be mobilized by the
nation during times of calamities and
disasters. Their roles on these situations
require selflessness of the heart, hence
the inclusion of servant leadership in this

Beatitudes for Leaders
(George Kuitolil)


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