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naruto uzamaki

• Real author masashi kishimoto
• this book is fan made by rsm4857375
• good luck trying to sell this book
• Btw enjoy
Index 1
1. The birth
2. Minato and kushina death
3. Naruto`s academy
4. Sasuke vs naruto
5. Sasuke`s return to the vilage
6. Sasuke vs itachi
7. the chunin exams
Everything else is in the next book
Naruto presents
naruto manga
volume 1
Once upon a time
– There was a small boy named naruto. He loved
everyone until…
Obito uchiha came
He almost killed naruto
But the fourth hokage minato
saved his child naruto.
obito extracted nine tails aka kurama
on kushina
Minato namikaze saved kushina
Minato finshed obito with
a rasengan! #narutonotifictionsqaud
• 1st

• 2nd
Then obito finally said it roblox
• He was trying to destroy konoha but this fourth
hokage died protecting konoha because being a
hokage you should always protect your village
being hokage is hard you have to work a lot. Btw
lets go back to the story. He used the kamui
which transports you to another dimension or
place soo obito did summoning jutsu in japanese
it’s called kuchoyse koto no jutsu then the fourth
hokage and his wife by the nine tails nail like this
r.i.p minato namekaze you will be
remebered in our hearts
• Naruto’s academy started he was indeed lonely
so the practice began they all did
transformation jutsu except for naruto he did
sexy no jutsu. iruka umino aka naruto’s home
teacher in the academy he punched naruto in the
face and sakura hitted him on the head that it
took him 5 minutes to come back because sakura
hitted him on the head so that he flew away him
about 10m so yeah
because of orochimaru because of the
curse mark so then naruto fighted with
sasuke. Few hours later sasuke lost and
naruto won so sasuke returned to the
village but after few days later itachi came
to the village and 1st itachi came with
kisame to naruto and then sasuke knew
itachi was near naruto but then he flashed
back how itachi killed the uchiha clan
And his mother and father and his
uncle and aunty so sasuke fought with
itachi. jiraya also came to fight with
itachi after like 5 minutes sasuke was
going to win so jiraya putted mouth
toad no jutsu so itachi then put
amaterasu and ran away forever
So then the chunin exams came
• 1st was sasuke vs rock lee
• 2nd was sakura vs ino
• 3rd was shino vs sasuke
• 4th one was neji vs naruto
• 5th one was sasuke vs sakura
• 6th one was tenten vs choji
I will tell you the winners
• 1st round sasuke
• 2nd round sakura
• 3rd round sasuke
• 4th round naruto
• 5th round it was a draw
• 6th round it was a draw
• the end
To Be Continued…

everything else is in the next book

Credits to rsmgamer19393
• Real author masashi kishimoto
• Good luck selling this book
• Thank you
• And bye

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