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Kinds of law

• General law
Statute law
Equity law
Common law
• Special law
Local law
Foreign law
Martial law
Conventional law
Autonomic law
Prize law
Salmond’S claSSification of kindS of
• 1. Imperative law
• 2. Physical or Scientific law
• 3. Conventional law
• 4. Customary law
• 5. Practical or Technical law
• 6. International law
• 7. Civil law
• A.Private law
The law of persons
The law of property
The law of obligations
The conflict of laws
• B.Public law
Constitutional law
Administrative law
Criminal law
• administering justice according to fixed legal principles has three advantages:
Ensures uniformity and certainty in the administration of justice
Guarantees / Secures impartiality in administration of justice
Rules of Law represent collective wisdom of the community
• Rigidity
• Complexity
• Formalism

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