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Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Presentation Outline
 Introduction: What is Machine Design?
 Machine Design: Research Areas
 Research Applications:
 Machine Design Optimization
What is Machine Design?
 Core of mechanical ◦ Stress Concentrations
engineering ◦ Fracture Mechanics
◦ Stress and strain ◦ Optimization
◦ Designing for safety ◦ Composite Materials
◦ Static failure theories ◦ Manufacturing
◦ Fatigue failure theories Processes
◦ Machine elements ◦ Computer Aided
Machine Design and
◦ Mechanical material Analysis
◦ Measuring Stress and
Introduction to the design process - factor
influencing machine design, selection of
materials based on mechanical properties,
 Fits and Tolerances, Preferred numbers –
Direct, Bending and torsional stress
equations – Impact and shock loading –
calculation of principle stresses for various
load combinations, eccentric loading –
Design of curved beams – crane hook and
‘C’ frame - Factor of safety - theories of
failure – stress concentration – design for
variable loading
 Mechanical design is creating new devices
or improving existing ones in an attempt
to provide the “best”, or “optimum”
design consistent with the constraints of
time, money, and safety.

 Series of activities to gather all the info.

Necessary to realize the ideas as a real

Designer’s design process

idea Product
Course Outcomes

At the end of the course student will be able to

CO 1 Explain the influence of steady and variable stresses in machine component design. K3

CO 2 Apply the concepts of design to shafts, keys and couplings. K3

CO 3 Apply the concepts of design to temporary and permanent joints. K3

Apply the concepts of design to energy absorbing members, connecting rod and
CO 4 K3
crank shaft.

CO 5 Apply the concepts of design to bearings. K3

Recognition of need
• Need, aim or purpose
Definition of problem • Spec like i/p &o/p ,dim,
feed, speed
• Relation b’n them ,arranging
them in order & dim.

Analysis & Optimization

Sys satis the req.

Evaluation Final product involves testing

lab or real condition

Presentation Communicating to others

Types of design
 (1) Adaptive design
 (2) Development design
 (3) New design
Types of design Cont…

1)Adaptive design

Minor alteration or modification

Types of design Cont…

2) Development Design
Improvement of existing dsg( New matl, Mfg.)
Types of design Cont…

3) New Design

Entirely a new product

Factors influ. M/C dsg. Or Gn. Cons.
 Strength & stiffness.
 Surface finish.
 Manufacturability.
 Ergonomics & aesthetics.
 Working atmos.
 Cooling & lubrication.
 Cost
 Selection of material- proper strength,
 Use of standard parts- gears, pulleys &
Selection of material
 Availabilityof material.
 Properties of matl.
 Suitabilty of matl for working condition.
 Cost of material.
 Quantity & quality of material.
Mechanical prop of materials

 Strength.
 Stiffness.
 Elasticity
 Plasticity
 Brittleness.
 Toughness.
 Creep.
 Fatigue.
Machine element should follow the following requirements:

• Strength
 Machine part should not fail under that forces
that act upon it. It should have sufficient
strength to avoid failure due to fracture or
due to general yielding.
 Rigidity
 Machine element should not deflect or bend
too much due to forces or moments that
upon it. Maximum deflection and permissible
angle 37 of twist are the criterion for design.
 Wear resistance
 Wear is the main reason that put the machine
part out of order. It reduces the useful life of
the component.
 Reliability
 Reliability is the probability that a machine part
will perform its functions under operating
conditions over a specified period of time.
Load- The external loads cause
internal stresses in the elements and
these stresses must be determined
accurately since these will be used in
determining the component size.
Loading may be due to:
◦ i) Energy transmission by a machine member.
◦ ii) Dead weight.
◦ iii) Inertial forces.
◦ iv) Thermal effects.
 v) Frictional forces.
Loads cont..
 In other ways loads may be classified as:
◦ i) Static load- Does not change in magnitude and
direction and normally increases gradually to a steady
◦ ii) Dynamic load- a) changes in magnitude- for e.g.
traffic of varying weight passing a bridge.
 b) changes in direction- for e.g. load on piston
rod of a double acting cylinder
Fit System
 A machine part when manufactured has a
specified tolerance. Therefore, when two
mating parts fit with each other, the
nature of fit is dependent on the limits of
tolerances and fundamental deviations of
the mating parts.
 The nature of assembly of two mating
parts is defined by three types of fit
system, Clearance Fit, Transition Fit and
Interference Fit

 Tolerance is the difference between

maximum and minimum dimensions of a
component, i.e between upper limit and
lower limit.
Preferred numbers
A designed product needs standardization. It means
that some of its important specified parameter
should be common in nature. For example, the
sizes of the ingots available in the market have
standard sizes
 Preferred numbers are the numbers
belonging to four categories of geometric
progression series, called basic series, having
common ratio
 Preferred numbers of derived series are
formed by multiplying or dividing the basic
series by 10, 100 etc
Preferred numbers

 Few examples
 R10 , R20 and R40 : Thickness of sheet metals, wire
 R5 , R10 , R20 : Speed layout in a machine tool (R10
: 1000, 1250,1600, 2000)
 R20 or R40 : Machine tool feed
 R5 : Capacities of hydraulic cylinder
Basic concepts
Stress (s or σ )
◦ Load / Area
◦ Tensile stress: (σ t)
◦ Compressive stress (σ c)
◦ Shear Stress
◦ Bending stress.
Basic concepts cont..
◦ Poisson’ s ratio :
 Lateral strain/Linear strain = 1/m
 0.2-0.4 for most of the material.

 Bulk Modulus (K):

 Direct stress/ Volumetric strain.

Factor of safety:
Yield stress/Working stress
Always >1

Young’s Modulus (E)

Matl. Is loaded within the elastic limit , the stress is directly prop to

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