Digital Marketing Strategy For Photourist by Team #1

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DMS - Capstone Assignment 3

Section B Group 1
Felipe Daiello (Team leader)
Murtaza Mukadam
Ahmad Alsalem
Ali Hammoud
Alvaro Ruoso
 Business Description  Competitor Analysis
 Marketing Objectives  Concept Prioritization and
 Business Objective Selection
 Key Digital Channels  Integration With Broadcast
 Digital Presence SWOT
 Resource And Skills Planning
 Metrics
 Customer Segmentation
Who We Are ??
Business Photourist is a service that offers vacation photo shoots in
the city of Barcelona.
We design a customized itinerary based on the client’s
interests and time available. The client is, then,
accompanied by a professional photographer that guides
them through the best spots in the city while capturing
both candid and posed photographs. In the case of
posed photographs, the client can be directed on how to
pose, 24 hours after the photo tour, the high-resolution
retouched photographs are delivered to the client.

Photourist is a startup being developed from scratch. Our

main goal is to develop a model in the city of Barcelona,
that can be scaled to other cities on a second round of
the business development.
Business The services will be offered as different service packs, according
to the number of hours that the professional photographer
Description - 2 will be available to the customer, and to the number of final
pictures that will be delivered.

All the booking and buying process will be done online at the
company website. After booking, client and photographer
will meet at the customer hotel or desired point of pickup.

Photourist will count on a network of photographers that will

be hired on demand, with a digital agenda matching
customers needs and photographers availability.

Our unique value proposition is to “Deliver a delightful

experience to our customers and helping them to share
their best and beautiful images.”
Marketing & Business Objectives :
Marketing Objectives
1-Brand awareness: make Photourist be a reference when speaking of professional
photographer services to tourists.

2-Brand loyalty assures that every customer gets delighted and advocates for the
brand after his experience.

3-Engage customers along all the purchase path with a consistent Inbound
Marketing campaign, supported by the following pillars:
i) Attract customers with consistent content production and delivery at the
business web site and also social media, assuring organic search results,
complemented with paid search and social ads.
ii) Converting visitors to leads using landing pages and lead magnets, including
reach content material ( ebooks, webinars, and other materials, both on the
themes of Photography and also Tourism ).
Marketing Objectives - 2

iii) Establish a relationship with potential customers by a consistent strategy of

Marketing Automation. This involves sending emails with relevant content to the
leads, according to their preferences, and using tools to analyze their interactions,
in order to create a Leading Scoring strategy, to push potential customers that are
ready to buy to the sales team.

iv) Analyse and improve the purchase path.

Business Objective
Photourist aims:
-To be the leading business in its segment
-Achieving a high level of customer satisfaction
-Offering a unique experience to them.

We are committed:
-To offering a great experience since the first contact with the customer with our
brand, and along all his purchase path, to the final moment of pictures enjoyment.
-A perfect mobile experience is mandatory in all phases of the relationship with the

As this is a new business, we aim to reach the financial break-even with two years and
reach the return of initial investment within 3 years. After that business must
return a profit for its investors.
Key Digital Channels
Key Digital Channels
As this is a startup, being raised from zero, we currently have no digital presence, and
we will need to build from scratch the following channels:

1- Website: the business website must be fully responsible, with zero friction to
the final user, fast to load, and also easy to browse and to find relevant
information. The website will have a special appeal on refined images.
Along with the website, we will support two different Blogs: the first one talking
about photography techniques, targeted to photography lovers. The second one
will be focused on all tourists, with travel information. The blogs will be constantly
fed with new relevant information, both to increase organic reach on search
engines, and also to support the lead relation process with the marketing
automation tools. Also, the website will be very well designed to have the best SEO
possible in all pages and articles produced.
Key Digital Channels - 2
2-Social Networks
We will develop a Facebook page, and also an Instagram account. As new content
will be produced on a regular basis, every content will be adapted to be delivered
on the Blog, Facebook, and also Instagram. The blog will have text and pictures,
Instagram mostly pictures, while Facebook will have a post with the resume of the
Blog article plus pictures.

We shall not count only on the organic reach on the social media. All new posts
on Facebook and Instagram will also feed a target paid advertised campaign. To
improve paid investments we will carefully target the ads mainly to 3 different
customer segments: people who have already followed our pages, and thus are
our potential customers; people who have visited our website or any of our landing
pages ( this will be mapped using Facebooks Pixel ), and also to Lookalike
Audiences created with the two first audiences, in order to reach similar people
than the ones that are already engaged in our content.
Key Digital Channels - 3
Social Networks – continue

Also, all paid social ads will lead the customer to a specific landing page, that may
be combined with extra Lead Magnets ( vacation tips, promotional coupons, VIP
reservation services ). Landing pages will continue capturing new leads and
nurturing old ones, so we may continue delivering relevant content to them along
their purchase experience.

Relevant content production

We will count on both professional photographers and experienced journalist as
collaborators to constantly develop new relevant content to feed the website, blog,
social media, and email marketing actions.
Key Digital Channels - 4
Social Networks - continue
A monthly contest will be held on Instagram and Facebook. The main objective
will be to boost organic reach and engagement.

Creative direction: Image of Photourist branding highlighting the ability to win a

free trip, along with the services of Photourist for a full day. The steps to enroll to
the contest will be listed on the artwork as well in two easy steps, which will be
modified for Instagram and Facebook as they are slightly different.
Key Digital Channels - 4

Mechanics for FB:

1- Share our post on your channel
2-Winners will be chosen randomly.

Mechanics for Instagram:

1-Mention 5 of your friends in the
comment section below
2-Winners will be chosen randomly.
Key Digital Channels - 5
3- Google Display Network
We will be utilizing the top viewed GDN banner sizes to create our monthly digital
awareness campaigns. The low cost of advertising on GDN, combined with the
high impressions served make this an important channel for us to invest in.

4-Remarketing Code & Conversion Tracking Pixels

Remarketing Codes as well as Conversion Tracking Pixels for Google will be
implemented in the back-end of our website to be able to track the customer’s
behaviour, and have the ability to serve them remarketing ads, as well as give
Google the ability to better optimize the ads in order to be served to customers that
are more inclined to submit a lead on the website.
Key Digital Channels - 6
4- Chatbots
We will also develop two different chatbots to improve customer experience, get
news leads, and deliver content.
-The first chatbot will be attached to the main website and will act as a personal
consultant, that will answer the most frequent questions and explain to the
customer how to select an itinerary, how to book, and other details.
-The second chatbot will be used alternatively as the ad destination on the paid
social media advertisements. We will produce some specific ads targeting potential
tourists, sending them to the bot, that will be a travel guide. This bot will be able to
show tourist information. The chatbot will capture the customer data and will
allow the subscription to touristic content on a periodic base.
SWOT Analysis
Digital Presence - SWOT analysis
-Starting the business from zero is a great strength because we may develop the
whole strategy very tied to a professional digital marketing strategy.
-Our service deals with image and social, that are things very important to people

-Starting from zero is also a weakness because the team has no experience in the
business and can fail to execute the plan.
-Another weakness is that there are already well-known competitors on the market.
Digital Presence - SWOT analysis
We have the opportunity to develop a business that focuses on surprising the and
engaging our customer along the purchase path, with a consistent Inbound
Marketing strategy.

Create the collaborator network. Assure that the photographers will be committed
to achieving customer satisfaction. Offer a better experience and outcome our
competitors. Deal with financial balance so that the business is profitable.
Customer segmentation
We decided to divide the market based on the importance that people give to either
recording or living their experience and on the importance given to self-image. We
ended up with four main groups: the “Instagrammers”, the “Low-cost”, the
“Surfers” and the “Carpe Diem”.

1- The “Instagrammers” are people who care more about capturing their
experience than living it and they value their self-image online a lot. They belong
to the medium to upper social class. They also value quality photographs. They can
be influencers, artists or very engaged social media users. This group can be
subdivided into two smaller groups: those who hire another person to travel and
take pictures with them and those who do not.

2- The “Low-cost” are also people who care more about capturing their experience
rather than living it. Nevertheless, they do not care about their self-image online.
Customer segmentation - 2
3- The “Surfers” are people who care more about living in the moment rather than
recording their experience. They do not worry about their self-image.

4- The “Carpe Diem” refers to the users who care more about living in the moment
rather than capturing it. They care about their self-image online. They belong to
the medium to upper social class. They also value quality and artistic photographs.

Our business is mainly focused on the “Instagrammers” and the “Carpe Diem”.
They value a lot more the fact of living in the moment, which is why it is more
likely for them to hire our services.
Customer segmentation - value proposition
To the “Instagrammers” we offer the opportunity to live the moment. In the case of
those who travel without a photographer, we provide them with the opportunity of
achieving freedom and enjoyment during their trip while being accompanied by a
professional photographer. For the group of Instagrammers who usually travel with
a photographer, we offer them a unique photo shoot concept. Our service provides
them with the possibility of living the city through the eyes of a local. They will see
places that capture the essence of the city, its people, and traditions.

To the “Carpe Diem” we offer the possibility to photograph their experience in the
city. With our service, they can still live their travel to the fullest while acquiring a
service that allows them to remember their adventure. The “Carpe Diem” is more
valuable for us. This is so because they cannot afford to capture the moment by
themselves because they would be missing out on the experience that
Competitor Analysis
-is a Canadian-based company, founded in 2013 that also connects travelers with local
photographers in 200 destinations around the world.
-The business model is the same: travelers choose a destination, a local photographer and
package of photos.
-Price reference: $350 USD for 1h private sessions at 1-2 nearby locations and 30 printed photos
and digital edited image files

Shoot My Travel
-is a Miami/USA based start-up founded in 2015.
-The platform connects local photographers and travelers in more than 150 cities worldwide.
-Travelers should choose the destination, pickup one photographer and select a package.
-Price reference: $195 USD for a 1h private session with a local photographer at one chosen
location, 15 high-res edited images delivered in your smartphone 24-48 after the session.
Competitor Analysis - Flytographer
Flytographer (FLY) relies on
organic search, however, it’s
possible to see some results on
paid ads (41 results) using 16
By Jan’17, FLY domain reached a
traffic of 3054 in organic
searches, keeping the same high
level on summer season from
July to Aug’17. With 52% of
traffic coming from the USA.
When it comes to paid ads, USA
and Mobile-USA are dominant
with 44% of traffic.
Competitor Analysis - Flytographer

FLY main competitors for the same

keywords are ;

Top 3 Paid Keywords:

“fly photography”
“naked family vacation”
“vacation photographer”
There are 11 keywords ranked as top
1-3 paid positions

Competitor Analysis - Flytographer

FLY has is doing a much better job

regards backlinks. It stands for
more than 1.9k backlinks
referring to its domain.

Backlinks are critical to getting a

better score as SEO strategy.
However, these backlinks are
related to a design office and an
associated photographer.

Competitor Analysis - Flytographer

FLY display ads were published by

106 publishers always using the
home page as the landing page
for the ads.

As FLY relies on and has a lot of

organic traffic it’s possible to see
only 1 ad sample with great Call
to Action that is a value
proposition as well “Capture
Vacation Memories”.

Competitor Analysis - Flytographer

FLY analytics show us the ranking

of main organic keyword
searches, the percentage of
traffic for each keyword, the
number of results and the
average cost of each keyword if
it was in a bidding.

Top 3 organic keywords:

“fly photography”
“new york photographer”
“proposal photographer”

Competitor Analysis - Shoot my Travel

Shoot My Travel (SMT) relies on

organic search, however, it’s
possible to see some paid ads in
specific publishers (3 Ads on
Display Advertising)

By July’17, SMT domain reached a

traffic of 710 organic searches,
57% from the USA, clearly
showing a seasonal trend.

Competitor Analysis - Shoot my Travel

Shoot My Travel (SMT) main

competitors for the same
keywords are Flytographer and

Top 3 Paid Keywords:

“sexy honeymoon photos”
“Photography holidays”
“combat photographer jobs”
There are only 3 keywords ranked
at top 1-3 paid position.

Competitor Analysis - Shoot my Travel
SMT has 38 backlinks referring to
the domain. Backlinks are
critical to getting a better score
as SEO strategy. However, these
backlinks are related to a design
office and an associated

Competitor Analysis - Shoot my Travel

SMT display ads were published by

281 publishers always using the
home page as the landing page
for the ads.

It’s possible to see also 4 samples of

these ads with a good value
proposition, but lacking for a
strong Call to Action.

Competitor Analysis - Shoot my Travel

SMT analytics show us the ranking

of main organic keyword
searches, the percentage of
traffic for each keyword, the
number of results and the
average cost of each keyword if
it was in a bidding.

Top 3 organic keywords:

“personal photographer”
“private photographer”
“moscow photographer”

Concept Prioritization and Selection
Priority for First Launch
* Quick Wins:
-Facebook page

* Big Plays:
-Relevant content production
-Marketing Automation
-Paid Social
Concept Prioritization and Selection
Additional Ideas
* Quick Wins:
-Web chatbot at the website to act as a customer information center
-Booking and buying information.

* Big Plays:
-Messenger chatbot linked to paid social, to act as a tourist information guide, while
being a lead capturing machine, and content delivery and messenger marketing
automation tool.
-Blogs with relevant content published periodically.
Concept Prioritization and Selection
Low Priority
* Quick Wins:
-Online agenda to match customers booking with photographers

* Big Plays:
-Photographers evaluation and scoring system.
Integration with Broadcast Marketing
-Paid printed banners at the airport, bus and train station.
-Sponsorship of cultural events
-Tourist pictures exhibit on malls.
Resource and Skills Planning
* Collaborators skills
-High-level photographers, well trained to offer a delightful experience to customers,
while producing high-quality photos.
-Experienced journalists or media producers to develop relevant content, that will
feed the blog, social media, and marketing automation.

* IT and Backend skills

-Web designers, CMS professionals, to develop the site and blog
-SEO specialist to define target keywords and deliver a consistent framework for page
-SEM specialist to create search engine paid ads.
Resource and Skills Planning - 2
Inbound Marketing skills
We need a specialized agency to implement a marketing automation tool, design
landing pages, with proper call to actions. The agency will also develop the lead
capturing, scoring, and content delivery along the purchase path of the customer.
BI analysis with, providing insights about content engagement will also be an
agency task.

Financial skills
We need a strong CFO to evaluate costs, investments, and incomes, to ensure best
decisions are taken and financial health is reached.
1-Audience Metrics
-Website visitors
-Facebook followers

2-Channel Engagement Metrics

-Blog subscribers
-Chatbot subscribers
-Facebook posts shared
-Facebook posts commented.
Metrics - 2
3 -Universal Engagement Metrics
i- The number of new leads acquired by each channel: blog, social, chatbot
ii- Brand awareness - requires offline research
iii- Brand sentiment - requires offline and online research

4 -Financial Metrics
i- The number of clients that contract the service, per period
ii- Average sales ticket
iii- Customer Lifetime Value - just one purchase, or will he contract the service
iv- Customer Acquisition Cost
v- Service delivery cost per client
vi- Fixed costs
vii- ROI
Resources :

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