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Jalen Villagracia & Ken Malatbalatb
“Ask not what your country can
do for you—ask what you can
do for your country”
John Fitzgerald
35th President of the
United States
May 29, 1917 –
November 22, 1963
John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States and leader of the
world through Cold War, in his inaugural address, ardently calls for unity
in pursuit of greater good for all people. Kennedy’s purpose is bring
people together in hopes of bettering the world. Through his use of
Aristotelian appeal, repetitions, and antithesis. Kennedy creates an
inspirational tone to proclaim America’s global objectives in uniting
people both within the country and in foreign land to improve the
standing of global society.
Born 1946

an American historian, author

and journalist.

Studied at Yale University,

Columbia University and the
School of Oriental and African
Studies, London.
John F. Kennedy was known for his talent in writing his speeches
according to Thurston Clarke. It is said in paragraph 3 of the text,
“he won the 1960 presidential election with only 49.7 percent of
population vote , yet a Gallop poll taken soon after his inauguration
showed him with an approval rating of 72 percent. His own
pollster, Lou Harris, put it at an outstanding 92 percent.”
For this reason, many people who run for presidential election, such as Richard
Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton, have tried to paraphrase lines from
his speech in their own inaugural speech. Even the most recent offender, George
W. Bush, translated a quote from his speech, “Ask not what your country can
do for you—ask what you can do for your country” into “what you do is as
important as anything government does…to serve your nation, beginning with
your neighbor.”
According to the text, it is nearly impossible to imitate Kennedy’s style of
writing speeches for each speech that he wrote was inspired from his personal
experience in war. It is no wonder that his speech was “essentially
autobiographical” and many people were able to relate on his experience.
Due to this reason, he was able to unite the Americans. Because of his
speech’s emotional impact, he awakened the deep emotional response from
his people.

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