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Cambridge Exams

By Silvia and Katia

All the exams
... where I’d like to go next!
The differences

A2 Key B1 B2 First
● A2 Key ● A B1 Preliminar ● A B2 First
qualification shows that you qualification shows that you
is aimed at learners who can:
need to show they can: can: ● communicate effectively face-to-
● read simple textbooks and face, expressing opinions and
● understand and use basic
articles in English presenting arguments
phrases and expressions ● write letters and emails on ● follow the news
● understand simple written everyday subjects ● write clear, detailed English,
expressing opinions and
English ● take meeting notes explaining the advantages and
● interact with English ● show awareness of opinions disadvantages of different points
speakers at a basic level. and mood in spoken and of view
written English. ● write letters, reports, stories and
lots of other types of text.
A2 Key-Exam Info
B1 Preliminary -Exam Info
B2 First-Exam Info
Sessions and dates

A2 Key B1 B2 First
● An overview of the exam and ● An overview of the exam and ● An overview of the exam and
study plan study plan study plan
● 1st mock listening and ● 1st mock listening and ● 1st mock listening and
speaking speaking speaking
● Google classroom for all ● Google classroom for all ● Google classroom for all
further practise and writing further practise and writing further practise and writing
● 2nd mock listening and ● 2nd mock listening and ● 2nd mock listening and
speaking speaking speaking
Useful sites

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