Arranged By: Dewi Prasetya Ningrum (1832008)

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Lecturer Evi Yulita M.

Dewi Prasetya Ningrum

Arranged By Melia Yunita Anggun SN


Rika Safitri (1832026

• Syllables are chunks or beats of sound
• Syllable is a unit of pronounciation having one
vowel sound, with or without surrounding
consonants, forming the whole or appart of a
Syllables… Word Parts/Dividing

 Divide between two consonants
Example : pen-cil, yel-low, ham-mer, pic-nic, cir-
cus…(same or different)

 Divide when only one consonant follows the

vowel, if the vowel is long…
Example : la-dy, se-cret, ti-ger, a-fraid
 If the first vowel is short, the first syllable will
include the conconant…
Example : let-ter, vis-it, cam-el, cat-tle

 When a word ends in le the final syllable

includes the preceding consonanat…
Example : un-cle, ea-gle, ma-ple, ta-ble, stee-ple,
Exception : words ending in ckle…pick-le, trick-le
Music mu-sic
Wagon Wa-gon
Second Sec-ond
Finish Fin-ish
Habit Hab-it
Pilot Pi-lot
Human Hu-man
siren Si-ren
helmet gloves

asteroid navigation

spaceship planet
 The first consonant stays with the first vowel and the other
consonants go with the second vowel (vc/cv)
Example- purpose
 Unless the consonants form a blend in which case they are
not divided (v cc/v)
Example- without
 Two identical consonants are divided when they occur
between vowels.
Example- rabbit
 Compound words are divided into the simple words that form
Example- notebook
Which word has one syllable?

could silent

birthday supermarket
Which word has two syllables?

noise space

hospital cooking
Which word has three syllables?

neighbour affordable

spend ambulance
Which word has four syllables?

information improvement

gentleman enough

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