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Sla Incident

Resolution &
SLA Overall
SLA on October 2019

For the Excel detail klik HERE

Outstanding Incident
Outstanding Incident Aging

Application  The highest aging in application is 8 days, there is IM53124 (tidak bisa approve payout di trackit) haven't
updated for the latest information from PIC
Business & Middleware  The highest aging is 5 days, there is IM53277 (error pada case dengan status col)

For the Excel detail klik HERE

Outstanding Incident Aging

Business as Usual  Has 1 ticket in Business as Usual with 1 days aging
IT DWH  Clear
Outstanding Incident Aging

Data Center Support  Clear
IT Security  The highest aging is 5 days, the ticket is IM53243 (jktdc-attunity shutdown unexpectedly)
Outstanding Incident Aging

DBA Support  Clear
Network Support  Clear
Outstanding Incident Aging

Technical Support  The highest aging in Technical Support is 4 days, the ticket is IM53306 (Server DPSBO-SVR01 tidak bisa
Middleware Infrastructure  Clear
Outstanding Change
Outstanding Change Aging

Application  The highest aging ticket is 138 days, there is C56633 ([EAZY CLAIM] DIBUATKAN AUTOMAIL CLAIM YANG TIDAK
MASUK KE TASK ANALYST) and the last updated from PIC “waiting UAT result from user”
Business & Middleware  The highest aging ticket is 55 days, there is C57251 (Tolong buatkan Pending Report utk Perubahan
Outstanding Change Aging

Business as Usual  There are 2
highest aging tickets, 1141 & 885 days
aging and
according to information from PIC that
for both tickets are actually still on
progress development. The following
ticket number : C29763 (Transfer Data
Alamat E-mail dari OPUS ke EZCap)
and C43416 (Transfer Data Segment
Nasabah Polis Life Yang Mengambil
Health Rider)
Outstanding RF
Outstanding RF Aging

Data Center Support  The highest aging ticket is 9 days, there is RF57567 (New OPUS Development Environment)
DBA Support  The highest aging ticket is 10 days, there is RF57510 (Request koneksi database)
Outstanding RF Aging

IT DWH  The highest aging ticket is 20 days, there is RF56772 (Penambahan Kolom Provider ID) haven't updated for the latest
information from PIC
IT Security  The highest aging ticket is 8 days, there is RF57695 (user information-Riris Rismawati(upload giam))
Outstanding RF Aging

Network Support  There are 2 highest aging ticket : 39 & 21 days, the following ticket number  RF54950 (Perubahan menu
IVR Branch) last updated by PIC “Still discussing with AGN” and RF56556 (Report grouping CMS pada pilihan IVR untuk nasabah
yang memilih Menu 5. Program tukar sampah) haven't updated for the latest information from PIC
Middleware Infrastructure  Clear
Outstanding RF Aging

Technical Support  There are 2 highest aging : 36 & 34 days, The following ticket numbers : RF55164, RF55175 & RF55379
(USER RESIGN- Delete VPN) based on information from PIC “User resigned at the end of Oct & Nov, So this request can’t be
done yet” and RF55450 (Alamat email connect ke email the last
updated by PIC “Still troubleshooting by Pak Mahmudin”
Thank You

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