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Introduction to SeisWare

Miko Fohrmann
27.09 & 28.09.2010
Goal of the course

• The aim of this introductory course in SeisWare

is to enable the participants to use the software
as a tool for seismic interpretation

• Note: this is not a ‘Principles of seismic

interpretation’ course!

GNS Science
Outline: Monday, 27.09.10

1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of SeisWare?

2. Installation of SeisWare
3. Launch window – basic structure
4. Setting up the license server (dongle vs. floating
5. Project setup
6. Data loading (seismic-, well-, and culture data)
7. Attaching/copying new data into an existing project
8. Basemap settings
1. Displaying seismic lines
9. Seismic viewer
10. Fault picking
11. Horizon picking

GNS Science
Outline: Tuesday, 28.09.10

12. Faults:
1. Correlation polygons
2. Reassigning fault segments
3. Triangulation of faults
13. 3D Viewer
14. Horizons:
1. Flattening
2. Quick Isochrons
3. Gridding
4. Isochrons
15. Printing
16. Exporting data

GNS Science
1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of
• Quick setup
• Easy & intuitive to use
• Price
• Friendly support
• Company tries to implement new ideas

• Not as versatile as other interpretation software
• Compatibility with other softwares

Note: Please refer to the SeisWare Help menu, which

is accessible via the main launch window for
additional information.
GNS Science
2. Installation

• Current version of the SeisWare setup file,

additional patches and manuals are located
I:\Section 51\Seismic Facies Mapping Project\PROJECT MANAGEMENT\Software Applic Admin\Seisware

• Today’s course material is located under:


GNS Science
3. Launch Window

Project Name

The main launch window allows access to the project and all data
stored within the project. It allows you to:
• Create and edit projects
• Import/export data
• Access different data types (e.g. horizons, wells, etc.)
• Edit properties

Note: In order to access or view the data groups, a project must be active.

GNS Science
4. Setting up the license server
• GNS currently holds 3 floating
licenses and 3 machine based
license keys (dongles or USB license
keys), one of which is an academic
licence. The lists for the dongles are
(were?) located in the Project Room.

• File -> License Utility

• -> Configuration

• Important: Always click on the Safely

Remove Dongle button before
removing the dongle from your
machine! Failure to perform this
action could result in the license key
becoming inoperative. You will need
to exit all SeisWare applications
(such as all maps and seismic
viewers) before performing this

GNS Science
Setting up the license server

-> Configuration
License Type:
– Click on Floating license
server and enter Port
Number 1021

Server Location:
– Choose Local Machine for
using a dongle
– Click on Remote Machine for
using a floating license.
Enter ‘seislic1’ as the
license server

Floating License Server

– Install the floating license
server on the local machine
– Then press Start and
Reconfigure in that order to
apply the changes.

GNS Science
5. Creating a Project in SeisWare

• Set up a Project folder (and optional a Data folder)

i. Opening an existing project
- Redefining the data path
ii. Creating a new project

Note: You do not need to save your work in SeisWare; it

will save automatically at regular intervals. When
opening a project, it will display the basemap as it
was left when exiting the program.
However, regular back-ups of the Project
folder are recommended.

GNS Science
5.1. Opening an existing project

• A project is loaded into SeisWare from the launch

Project → Attach

• Project Name: Locate the project folder

• Project Folder: the path is set automatically to the
appropriate directory
• Data File Folder: locate the data in the appropriate
• → Attach
• On the main launch window go to:
Launch → Basemap

GNS Science
Seismic Data: Redefining the data path
• Seismic → Line Properties

• → Select All (Ctrl-A) → Tools → Redefine Data paths → Set new path to the location where
your seismic data is located

• This dialog allows you to redefine the location of your data files. This is most useful when
you have moved your files to a new disk, or to a different machine. It does not physically
move the files, but re-assigns the internally stored data path to the new file location.
GNS Science
5.2. Creating a new project

• From the launch window: Project → New

• Project Folder → Select your Project folder

• Project Name → State the name of the new
project “SeisWare_Intro_Course_2”
• Data File Folder → Locate the data in the Data
• Coordinate System → NZGD49 / New Zealand
Map Grid
• Database Compatibility →Access 2000
• → Create

• Project → Explore launches the Windows

Explorer into the currently active project folder

GNS Science
6. Data loading (seismic-, well-, and culture

Please refer to the SeisWare Data Load Manual in the Manuals-folder for further

In general, data is imported by type, i.e., seismic data is loaded under the Seismic
tab, well data under the Well tab, etc.

GNS Science
6.1. Importing culture Data

• Culture data provide reference points

(e.g. coastline, permit boundaries, etc.),
which simplify the navigation across the
basemap. We will start by importing the
NZ coastline:
• Culture → Import
• Data format is AutoCad (.DXF)
• Choose NZ_Coastline.dxf and use the
default settings for your import

• Launch → Basemap (ignore the warnings)

GNS Science
6.2. Loading 2D Seismic Data

In general, SeisWare offers three methods of importing seismic data into a project:
1. the Data Loader ; is used for data that have never been imported to a SeisWare project.
2. Attaching Seismic Files; Works for SEG-Y-files that have been imported into SeisWare previously.
3. Copy seismic data from another SeisWare project (see section 7).

Note: If possible, avoid method No. 2. If SEG-Y files have previously been imported into SeisWare, they
are most likely stored already in another project, i.e., method No. 3 should always be your preferred
method of importing data. The reason is that SeisWare does not store any kind of data manipulation
inside the SEG-Y headers, e.g., time shifts are stored in a database and will not be transferred into
the new project if simply attached.

GNS Science
Ad 1) SeisWare is not able to load all SEG-Y files straight away like e.g. Petrel or Claritas.
SeisWare will change input files to its internal format (IEEE Float) if the original file differs
(e.g. IBM Float). Note, SeisWare will not overwrite your original SEG-Y files but will
produce a SeisWare version of it.
• Seismic → Data Loader

• In the following steps, define your output directory,

chose your input files, and define the data format
(Read Headers).
Note, as the data format is IBM Float, SeisWare will
not be able to read in your data unless you define
the byte-locations for certain keywords!
• Under data scaling you are able to normalise your

• Keywords → Scan Headers; SeisWare does not

provide you with an explanation of the byte
locations. Therefore, scanning your headers with
the SEGY-Analyser (Claritas) helps you to
determine the byte locations, which you have to
define in order to be able to import your file. CDP,
Shot Sequence Number, UTMX, and UTMY are

GNS Science
SEG-Y header information obtained from
the Claritas SEG-Y analyser. The byte
locations are:

Trace Sequence Number = 1 Shot

Sequence Number = 17
CDP = 21
UTMX = 73
UTMY = 77

GNS Science
• Edit → Add Keyword →
enter Key Name & Byte
Offset for all required

• Tip: Check the EBCDIC

Header under Data View
for trace header byte

• Note: Depending on how

the geographical locations
are stored in the SEG-Y
headers (decimetres or
meters) you might need to
apply a Scale Factor to
your keyword (Edit
Keyword → Scale Factor
→ Apply)!

• File → Save Keywords As

… and Exit

• Continue with the dialogue

using the default settings

• Check the basemap if the

lines display

GNS Science
7. Copy data into an existing project
Use this option to import culture/wells from another
project, to copy subsets of a larger project into a
smaller one, or to copy project data from a subset
back into the main project. You can also use this
utility to perform coordinate conversions.

• Project → Copy Project Data

• Copy by data type (consider all data) → select

SeisWare_Intro_Course_1 as the Source Project
and SeisWare_Intro_Course_2 as the Destination
• Select Seismic Data, Well Data, Horizons, and
Faults and continue with the default settings (i.e.,
copy files to the destination project).

• Re-launch the Basemap in order to see the changes

GNS Science
8. Basemap settings
Close SeisWare_Intro_course_2
and open SeisWare_Intro_course_1

• De-activate the coastline (NI&SI)

in order to avoid the error
message in the future; Culture
→ Properties

• General Properties: RMC on the

basemap window for access.
Click through all the menus and
see what changes you can make.
E.g., change the well properties
– increase the size of the well
icons, and make them appear

• Layer Properties: Here you can

determine what kind of data is
displayed, e.g. seismic - & well
data, faults, horizons and grids
(when created). At present only
seismic, well data and culture
data is available.

• Tip: Several basemaps can be

used at the same time

GNS Science
8.1 Displaying seismic lines

• Move the cursor over the line that you want to display. When it
turns green: RMC → Seismic viewer → LMC on appearing
seismic line name or simply double-click on the line.

• Activate ‘Single Layer Arbline’ by clicking: Selection →

Arbitrary Line or use this icon:

• Hover over the basemap, press A on the keyboard, move mouse

over desired seismic line and RMC.

• You will see the seismic line pop up in a new window. Note,
every seismic line will open in a new window.

GNS Science
9. Seismic viewer

• In the Seismic Viewer

window RMC and select
General Properties.

• Every tab gives you the

choice of several
display options.
• E.g. Scale will set the
vertical and horizontal
scale. Move through the
other tabs and
familiarise yourself with
the different options.
GNS Science
9.1 Composite Lines

• Create a composite seismic line out of two

or more seismic lines. You can use the
same options as for the single seismic line.
• Activate ‘Single Layer Arbline’ [A] or click
the corresponding button on the toolbar
• LMC on any line when it is highlighted
green. Now move mouse to the second line
(this must intersect first) and LMC. The
composite line is highlighted in yellow.
Continue this process until you have
completed your desired composite line.
RMC ends the selection process and opens
your composite line in a seismic viewer
• Scroll along the line and look for the
intersection of the individual seismic lines.
Do the events/horizons fit well?
• Save the line as a segment file. That way
you can load it again later.
• To save the composite line, go to File →
Save Segment File in the seismic viewer

GNS Science
9.2 Miss-ties
• Create a composite line
• Note: To see the line name simply
move the cursor over it until it is
highlighted in green on the map. The
line name will appear on the bottom
of the basemap in the ‘Linename’
dialog box.

• If you look closely at the

intersections of different seismic
vintages (Tip: use the Zoom tool
located on the Tool Bar) you will see
that the seismic signature does not
exactly match across the
intersection. This is known as a

• Try to fix the mismatch by applying a

manual bulk shift. Edit -> Bulk Shift
or RMC -> Main Menu -> Bulk Shift
Caution: Note down any shifts before
applying shifts to the data!

• Misstie Analysis

GNS Science
10. Fault picking
• Select the Fault tab from the top of the seismic
viewer window and open the drop down menu
and left click on Pick Faults. Alternatively, select
the icon from the seismic viewer toolbox.

• You will be asked to give the fault a name: fault 1

• Properties enable you to select the colour and

the fault type (e.g. normal or reverse).

• LMC to start picking a fault, every additional LMC

will add a point on the fault. Move the curser to
the end position (a yellow line will drag along
with the curser), LMC for picking termination

• While the fault is active (yellow) you can add

additional points to the fault.

• The delete key will remove a point or the entire

fault when pressed twice.

• To close or finish this fault RMC. To exit from

fault Interpretation, close the Pick Fault dialog

• Open the fault properties window (Fault → Fault

Properties from either the seismic viewer or the
launch window). You are able to change the
details/colour etc of the fault in this window.
GNS Science
11. Horizon picking

• Tip: It is recommended to
terminate horizons at fault
contacts, instead of
ignoring the displacement
and picking across them
(when using auto-pick from
RMC → General Properties
→ Configuration → Stop
Horizons Picking at Faults

• Activate the horizon

interpretation through the
launch window (Horizon →
Pick) and name the Horizon
‘horizon 1’. Open a seismic
line and test the different
picking options.

GNS Science
11.1 Horizon tools
• Horizon: A drop-down menu of available horizons (once created).
• Pick Mode: Drop-down menu of available picking modes:

• [A] Auto-pick – left mouse button will automatically track the horizon to the left, right
mouse button will track to the right. Excellent for picking well-defined horizons.
• [S] Snap Stream – track events semi-automatically by holding down the left mouse
button to trace the horizon.
• [G] Guide – track events semi-automatically between two points defined by holding
and releasing the left mouse button.
• [M] Manual – manual interpretation of horizons. Ideal for precise picking, but needs
sufficient scale to allow for detail and to compensate for ‘shaking hands’. Hold left
mouse button and drag across screen. Picking is terminated when mouse released.
• [i] Straight Line – picks a straight line between two points by holding down left mouse
button from starting point and releasing at destination. Personally, I find this the most
useful interpretation mode in a geologically complex area.
• [D] Datum – left mouse button will pick a straight horizontal horizon to left; right
mouse button will create one to the right.
GNS Science
Outline: Tuesday, 28.09.09

12. Faults:
1. Correlation polygons
2. Reassigning fault segments
3. Triangulation of faults
13. 3D Viewer
14. Horizons:
1. Flattening
2. Quick Isochron
3. Gridding
4. Isochrons
15. Printing
16. Exporting data

GNS Science
12.1 Correlation polygons

• The amount of displacement across a fault is not always apparent and

it can be tricky to continue a horizon when crossing a fault. The
Correlation Polygon tool allows the interpreter to cut out a polygon of
a seismic section and move it across a fault plane in order to correlate
strata across a fault.

• In the seismic viewer: Fault → Correlation Polygon or alternatively,

click this icon:

• LMC to start your polygon and define as many points as you require.
The polygon will be outlined in yellow. RMC to finish it. You are now
able to drag the polygon across the seismic viewer. Highlight the
polygon (it will turn yellow) and press the delete key to remove.

• NOTE: You cannot interpret directly on the selected polygon; it is

merely a visual aid.

GNS Science
12.2 Reassigning
fault segments
• In order to create a 3-D model of fault planes it is
necessary to correlate single faults across seismic
lines, instead of interpreting them as individual
• LMC on one of the faults that you want to correlate to
another fault segment picked on a different line
(when the fault is selected it will highlight in yellow).
• Fault → Reassign Fault Segment → Select Existing
• Note: This function is only available when the fault
picking mode is active [F] and a fault is selected in
the seismic viewer .
• This function allows the interpreter to reassign a
fault segment to an existing or new fault.

• Alternatively, reassigning a fault can be also

accomplished on the basemap. Note: It is often
easier to identify faults with similar trends in map
• On the basemap, select the Assign Fault Segments
icon. LMC and drag a circle around the fault
segments that you want to reassign; RMB to finish. A
dialog box will appear where you can choose which
faults you want to group together.
• Work through the hzt82a seismic lines and interpret
faults across the grid. Remember that not all faults
will be large enough to trace across several seismic
lines. Some may only be visible on one line.
• It is okay to leave a group of faults ‘unassigned’, so
that they are recognised on the seismic, but not in a
3-D model.

GNS Science
12.3 Triangulation of faults

• Once the individual fault sticks

have been reassigned to one
single fault it is necessary to
triangulate the fault segments
in order to obtain a fault plane.
This is done either in the
seismic viewer or the launch
• Fault → Triangulate Faults →
highlight faults → Apply
• Tip: If you have left any (or
several) faults ‘unassigned’
with the same name then
ensure that you deselect these
faults when triangulating.
• By creating a fault surface you
are also projecting a plane of a
fault through any lines, which
have not been interpreted.

GNS Science
13. 3D Viewer
• The 3D visualiser is a quality control
tool used to view faults, horizons,
culture data, grids and wells in 3D. In
this instance we will load the fault
segments to view the trajectory in the
3D. Any errors in associating faults
across several lines are easier to
depict in 3D, as the fault will not have
a smooth plane of orientation.
• The 3D visualiser is launched from the
SeisWare launch window; Launch →
3D Seismic Visualizer
• It is necessary to load any data you
wish to view;
• File → Load Faults → select faults →
• It is also possible to load horizons,
cultures and calculated grids.
• When interpreting additional attributes
you will need to load them separately.
Fault triangulation and reassignments
will update automatically in the 3D
visualizer when left open.

GNS Science
14.1 Flattening
• Horizon → Flatten
• To flatten, a horizon needs to be selected from the list, and a Datum Time needs to be specified. You can
select a horizon by clicking on any of the horizons in the list, or by clicking on a horizon in the seismic
viewer. If you click on a horizon in the seismic viewer the datum time will automatically be the TWT of
your pick. You can override this value by typing in a new datum time into the dialog box. Once a horizon
and datum time have been selected, flatten the horizon by clicking the Flatten button.
• Now, the display will be redrawn with the selected horizon displayed as a flat line at the given datum
time. Horizons are flattened sub sample, so the flattened horizon will always appear as a perfectly flat

GNS Science
14.2 Quick Isochrons
• Quick Isochron allows the user to generate an
isochron on an interactive horizon map. The
isochron generated is NOT written to disk,
– The isochron is gridded or contoured.
– The isochron is edited.

• Unless the isochron is written to disk, it is an

interactive isochron. Any changes made to the
selected horizons will cause the isochron to be

• Isochrons may slow down the computer since

more computations are performed compared to
displaying just one single horizon.

• You can tell that a ribbon being displayed is not

written to disk by quotation marks. For example:
"Channel Base Top" - "Channel Base Bottom"
is an interactive ribbon while
"Channel Base Top - Channel Base Bottom"
is not. Notice that the quotation marks are around
each of the horizons used in the computation.
That indicates the computation is interactive.

GNS Science
14.3 Gridding

• Once horizons have been

picked you are able to
create a contour map. This
can be used as a good QC
tool. The gridding menu
can be accessed either
from the launch window or
from the basemap toolbar;
• Tools → Grid and Contour
• This will open a dialog box
allowing the interpreter to
select a horizon & fault
polygons for gridding.

GNS Science
14.4 Isochrons

• Grid → Calculator
The grid calculator application allows
the user to perform numerical
computations on grids and save the
result as a new grid.

• Set the parameters for the calculation.

Note: Unless the grids have the same
size, you will need to uncheck "Use
exact grids" to perform the calculation.

• Specify a name for the Output Grid.

• Form the equation by using the

Calculation box and the Grid Variables
drop-down menu.

• Click Ok/Apply to perform the


GNS Science
15. Printing

• I recommend to produce bitmaps in SeisWare

(File → Print To Bitmap File) and print them by
using CorelDraw.
• Printing directly from SeisWare has supposedly
improved with the release of the latest patch
(version 7.2).

GNS Science
16. Exporting data

• Data are exported by data type (e.g. seismic,

wells, horizons, etc.)
• Make sure that SeisWare supports the format
that is required when transferring your
interpretation to another software package
before you start working
• Any manipulations (e.g. bulk shifts) can be
written into the seismic headers when exporting

GNS Science

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