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Learning Objectives:
 Define tourism
 Differentiate tourists from excursionists
 Understand the various elements of travel used as
criteria for defining travelers and/or tourists
 Explain the nature of a tour
 Elucidate the characteristics of a tourist product
and a tourist destination
 Compare tourism with other industries
 Appreciate the importance of tourism
Definition of Tourism

 “Sum of the phenomena and relationships arising

from the travel and stay of non-residents, in so far as
they do not lead to permanent residence and are not
connected to any earning activity.” –Professors
Hunziker and Krapf of Berne University Switzerland
 This definition distinguishes tourism from migration.
 “Tourism is the temporary short-term movement of
people to destinations outside the places where they
normally live and work and their activities during
their stay at these destinations.” –Tourism Society in
Definition of Tourism

 “Tourism may be defined in terms of particular

activities selected by choice and undertaken outside
the home environment.” –Tourism Society in Cardiff
 Burkart and Medlik cited five main characteristics of
 Complex
 Has two elements: Dynamic and Static
 The journey and stay are to-and-fro
 Temporary and short-term movements
 Visiting purposes are not connected with paid work
Definition of Tourism

 Tourism in the pure sense is essentially a pleasure

activity in which money earned in one’s abode is
spent in places visited.
 It represents particular form leisure and recreation,
but does not include all uses and forms of leisure and
 Includes much travel, but not all forms of travel.
 Therefore, tourism is distinguished from the
concepts of leisure and recreation on one hand, and
from travel on the other hand.
Meaning of Tourist

 “A tourist is a person who, visits a country other than

that in which he usually resides for a period of at
least 24 hours.” –League of Nations (1937)
 “A visitor is any person visiting a country other than
that earning money.” –United Nations Conference
on International Travel and Tourism (1963)
 This definition covers 2 classes of visitors:
1. Tourists- temporary visitors staying for at least 24 hours for
leisure, business, family, mission, and meeting.
2. Excursionists- temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours
and not making an overnight stay.
Elements of Travel

 Distance
 Length of Stay at a Destination
 Residence of the Traveler
 Purpose of Travel
The Nature of a Tour

 Domestic Tourism refers to travel taken exclusively

within the national boundaries of the traveler’s country.
 International Tourism involves the movement of people
across international boundaries.
 Package or inclusive tour is an arrangement in which
transport and accommodation is bought by the tourist at
an all-inclusive price. It can be an independent inclusive
tour or group inclusive tour.
 Independent tour is an arrangement in which the tourist
buys these facilities separately, either making
reservations in advance through a travel agent or en
route during his tour.
The Tourist Product

 It consists of what the tourist buys.

 A combination of what the tourist does at the
destination and the services he uses during his stay.
 Characteristics of a tourist product:
 It is a service
 Largely psychological in its attraction
 Tends to vary in standard and quality over time
 Supply of the product is fixed
The Tourist Destination

 It is a geographical unit where the tourist visits and stays.

 Three basic factors: attractions, amenities/facilities, and
 Attractions may be site attraction or event attraction,
and natural or man-made.
 Amenities or facilities include accommodation, food,
local transport, communications, and entertainment at
the site.
 Accessibility means having regular and convenience of
transport in terms of time/distance to the destination
from the originating country at a reasonable price.
Tourist Services

 The principal tourist services are supplied by

passenger transport.
 Accommodation, food and beverage, and
entertainment constitute the second group of tourist
 The third group of tourist services consists of those
provided by the travel agent and by tour operator.
 Other tourist services include currency,
documentation, information, sightseeing, and
Characteristics of Tourism

 In tourism, the product is not brought to the

consumer, rather the consumer has to travel and go
to the product to purchase it.
 The product of tourism are not used up.
 Labor-intensive industry.
 People-oriented.
 Multidimensional phenomenon.
 Seasonal.
 Dynamic.
Importance of Tourism

 Contribution to the balance of payments

 Dispersion of development
 Effect on general economic development
 Employment opportunities
 Social benefits
 Cultural enrichment
 Educational significance
 A vital force for peace

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