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Good Morning… 

1. What important things are

currently going on in your life?
2. What is your expectation from
this course and what’s your
3. What do you want from your
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 2
• Please make sure you open a Face book group.
• Group Name: 101.17,SzP,Sum18……..
• Make sure you read these books, at least take a
look at it.
 Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial
Interaction by Edward P. Sarafino & Timothy
W. Smith
Introduction to Public Health Schneider
Mary Jane.
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 3
L-1 Concept of Health, Public Health

Shahnaz Parveen (SzP)

M.S.S, M.Ed, M.Phil
Senior Lecturer
Cell: 017-2040-5055
Department of Public Health
North South University (NSU)
SAC-8, Room-818
Concept of Disease
• Disease literally means ‘without
ease’(uneasiness)-the opposite to ease-
when something is wrong with bodily
• The simplest definition is that disease is just
opposite to health.
• Definition: A condition in which the body
health is impaired, a departure from a
state of health, an alteration of the human
body interrupting the performance of
the vital functions is called disease.
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 6
• From an ecological point of view, disease is
defined as a maladjustment of the human
organism to the environment.
• From a sociological point of view, disease is
considered as a social phenomenon,
occurring in all societies and defined
and fought in terms of the particular
cultural forces prevalent in the society.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 7

Disease, Illness, Sickness..
Disease is a physiological/psychological
From a British perspective,
I'm ill is more common and general term
for when you're unwell.
Being sick can refer to actually throwing
up or vomiting, but it can also be used for
being generally unwell.
Early Concepts of Disease


 Mythology,
and Religion

The Agricultural Revolution:

Animal, crops, living in larger
groups and same place, Garbage
and waste, rodents insect vectors.
Early Concepts of Disease..continue
The Hippocratic Corpus:
Hippocrates. Hippocrates, (born c. 460 BC , island
of Cos, Greece—died c. 375 , Larissa, Thessaly), ancient
Greek physician who lived during Greece's Classical
period and is traditionally regarded as the father of
 The population grew, and cities became
densely populated, but there was little
attention to waste disposal and
sanitation. These factors set the stage for
endemic disease and periodic epidemics.

 The Bubonic Plague (1347-1700s):

Bubonic plague is an acute infectious disease
caused by the bacteria. The bacteria live in the
intestines of fleas and are transmitted to
rats by flea bites. The rats, therefore, serve as
a natural reservoir for the disease, and
fleas are the vectors.

John Snow - The Father of


John Snow (15 March 1813 – 16 June 1858)

was an English physician and a leader in the
adoption of anesthesia and medical hygiene.
He is considered one of the fathers of modern
epidemiology, in part because of his work in
tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in
Soho, London, in 1854.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 11

What is Public Health About..

Main aim Treat sick individuals(cure) Prevent healthy individual

from getting ill(prevention)
Beneficiaries Individuals (healthy or sick) Population (community)
or family

Scope Clinical care, diagnosis, Health Education, Promotion,

treatment Community Based
Field Internal Medicine, Surgeries, Epidemiology, Health
Pediatrics', Obstetrics And Promotion, Biostatics,
Gynecology etc. Occupational Health etc.
Guidance Clinical guidance, hospital PH guidelines, regulations,
policies etc. law

Examples of ethical issues and Issues related to individuals Issues related to the tension
questions rights to decide(autonomy), between the individual rights
privacy, confidentiality, etc (interest) and the public
--When it is ethical to disclose goods(interest)
a patients medical --When it is ethical to limit the
information freedom od movement of a
--How to decide which patient patient with a infectious
should have which service (an disease(e.g. In case of
ICU bed?) pandemic)
--Do patients have the right to
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer refuge vaccinating their 12
 World health organization(WHO) defines health as: ”a
state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

 The ability to lead a socially and economically productive


 Health is a dynamic condition resulting from a body's

constant adjustment and adaptation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 13

Philosophy of Health
Health is a fundamental human right
Health is intersectoral
Health is an integral part of development
Health and its maintenance is a major
social investment
Health involves individual
responsibility, national responsibility
and international responsibility.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 14

Public Health
Public health is defined as the application of
science to improve health of population or
An alternative definition by Derek Wanless in the
UK in February 2004 is ,”the science and the art of
prevention disease, prolonging life and
promoting health through the organized efforts
and informed choices of society, organizations,
public and private, communities and individuals.”
Disease Control Phase (1880 - 1920)
 During the 19th century, public health was largely a
matter of sanitary legislation and sanitary reforms
aimed at the control of man’s physical
environment, e.g. water supply, sewage disposal
Health Promotional Phase (1920 - 1960)
 Personal health services such as mother and child
health services, school health services, industrial
health services, mental health and rehabilitation
services were initiated.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 16

Social Engineering Phase (1960 - 1980)
 The concept of ‘risk factors’ came into
existence. Social and behavioral aspects of
disease and health were given a new priority.

“Health for All” Phase (1981 - 2000):

 Attainment of a level of health that will enable
every individual to lead a socially and
economically productive life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 17

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 19
Components Of Health
They are…
1. Physical Health
2. Mental/Intellectual Health
3. Social Health
4. Emotional Health
5. Environmental Health
6. Spiritual Health

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 20

Components (contd…)
• Others:
• Philosophical dimension
• Cultural dimension
• Socio-economic dimension
• Educational dimension
• Nutritional dimension
• Curative dimension
• Preventive dimension
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 21
1. Physical
 Ability of human body to function properly
• Signs of Good Physical Health:
 Good complexion
 Clear skin
 Bright eyes
 Good appetite
 Sound sleep
 Regular activity of bowels and bladder
 Smooth, easy and coordinated movement
 All the senses are intact

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 22

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 23
2. Mental/Intellectual Health
 A state of balance between individual and the surrounding
• Criteria of a mentally healthy person:
– Is free from internal conflict
– Is well adjusted
– Has a strong sense of self-esteem
– Knows himself/herself, his/her needs, problems and goals
– Knows his/her potential, own strength and weakness
– Has good self-control
– Faces problems and tries to solve them intelligently
– Can cope with the normal stresses of life
– Can work productively and fruitfully, and
– Is able to make a contribution to her or his community

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 25

3. Social Health
 Ability to interact with others
• Criteria of a Social Person:
 Interact with people and be receptive to their ideas with
an open mind.
 Accept and understand diverse cultural norms.
 Build networks among different kinds of people.
 Adopt a positive self-image.
 Enhance interpersonal communication skills.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 26

4. Emotional Health
Emotionally secure and relaxed in everyday life.
Has a relaxed body, an open mind and an
open heart.
Feel safe and secure with their own emotions and

Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 27

5. Environmental health
• Natural and built environment that may
affect human health.
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 29
6.Spiritual Health
Religious faith, values,
beliefs, principles and
The meaning and
purpose in your life and
the lives of others
Individualized concept
It is more about looking
within oneself deeply
and understanding
6.Spiritual Health…continue
 Activities for spiritual awareness and growth are Meditation,
Prayer, Visualization, Stretching, Yoga etc.
• Qualities of Spiritually Healthy Person
– Hope
– Positive outlook
– Acceptance of death
– Forgiveness
– Self-acceptance
– Commitment
– Clear values
– Peace
– Intimacy
– Self-worth
– Self-esteem
How Public Health Professionals work?
• Monitor the health status of a community
to identify potential problems
• Diagnose and investigate health problems
and hazards in the community
• Inform, educate, and empower people
about health issues, particularly the
underserved and those at risk
• Mobilize community partnerships to
identify and solve health problems
• Develop policies and plans that support
individual and community health efforts
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 33
How Public Health Professionals
• Enforce laws and regulations that protect
health and ensure safety
• Link people to needed personal health
services and ensure the provision of health
care when otherwise unavailable
• Ensure a competent public health and
personal health care workforce
• Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and
quality of personal and population-based
health services
• Research new insights and innovative
solutions to health problems
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 34
The Public Health Workforce
Public health involves the application of many
different disciplines….

• Biology
• Anthropology
• Public policy
• Mathematics
• Engineering
• Education
• Psychology
• Computer Science
• Sociology
• Medicine
• Business
Saturday, October 26, 2019 SzP,Summer 35
Opportunities for YOU…….
 If you build your career in Public Health from any background, there are
hundreds of opportunities waiting for you.
 Some are given bellow.
 Government agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC),
 National Institutes of Health (NIH),
 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or
 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 Many international NGO’s i.e.: WHO, USAID, UNDP, UNFPA etc
 Some research institutions i.e.: icddr,b
 Health care organizations, such as hospital systems and long-term
care facilities.
 Private sector companies, such as health insurances and
pharmaceutical companies.
 Colleges and Universities.
 As an researcher
Thank you 

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