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The presence of harmful
substances in the air, water
and land which can have
adverse effect on living beings
and on the environment is
known as POLLUTION.
The word ‘pollution’ is derived from
Latin word ‘Polluere’ which means

1.Facts related to Pollution:-

#According to WHO 7 million
premature deaths are caused due to air
pollution worldwide.
#Pollution in China can change
weather in USA. It takes just 5 days
for the jet stream to carry heavy air
pollution from China to USA.

#5000 people die every year as a result

of drinking unclean water in India.

#Pollution kills more than 1 million

seabirds and 100 million mammals
every year.
2.Types of Pollution:-
There are 7 types of
1.Air Pollution
2.Water Pollution
3.Soil Pollution
4.Noise Pollution
5.Light Pollution
6.Thermal Pollution
7.Radioactive Pollution
Air pollution:-
When air is contaminated by poisonous
gases and particles it is called Air
Pollution. It can cause serious problems to
human health. The most common causes of
air pollution include gases like sulphur
dioxide and carbon dioxide and other
carcinogenic gases released from industries
and burning of rubber, plastic and wood.
Air Pollution causes acid rain by mixing
in air and clouds and is dangerous for both
living and non living things.
Water Pollution:-
Water pollution is
addition of industrial
waste, insecticides,
pesticides into water bodies.
As all living organisms
depend on water to live, so
the contamination of
water bodies affect every
level of ecosystem.
When the upper (fertile) Soil Pollution
layer of soil is washed
away or soil is stripped of
it’s nutrients by chemical
agents ,it is called Soil
Pollution. Common causes
of soil pollution include
radioactive waste,
pesticides, insecticides etc.
soil erosion is also a type of
soil pollution.
Noise pollution refers to an excess
of unpleasant sound coming from
industries, heavy machineries
and transportation. In humans,
noise pollution can have a
detrimental effect on both
mental and physical health and
has been linked to high stress
levels, hearing loss, hypertension,
depression etc.

Noise Pollution
Light Pollution:-
The excessive, obtrusive, and misdirect use
of light in areas of human habitation as
well as in industry cause Light
Pollution. Light Pollution is defined as
the alteration of natural light levels in
both indoor and outdoor environments
through human interference. Light
pollution causes headaches, fatigue, stress
and anxiety.
Thermal Pollution Radioactive pollution
Many industries release heat When radioactive metals
energy as a by product in the disintegrate, they release beta
environment which is rays which can cause a whole
responsible for global warming host of mutative diseases in
and is called Thermal living organisms, this is known
Pollution. Due to this the as Radioactive Pollution. Once
amount of carbon dioxide in radioactive pollution is present
atmosphere increases and in the environment, it can
consequently the temperature linger for decades, making
of Earth also increases . This is enormous areas of land unfit for
called global warming which human occupation of any sort .
is responsible for melting of Radioactive pollution comes from
polar ice caps due to which sea nuclear power industry in the
level is rising. form of industrial waste.

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