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Geographical location: River Waghora and Sahyadaris
World heritage site by UNESCO in 1983.
John Smith discovered in 1819.
Horse shoe shaped rock surface.
Height : 76 m
31 rock cut caves dating from 2nd cent BCE.
Differences in 2nd phase ( 6th cent BCE)
Heavy Buddhist religious influences.
Tempera tecnique of painting.


Organic base surface

Lime wash
Bold outlines & filling of shades and tones
Major colours used.
Presence of binding material
Unique combination of art & architecture
Viharas & Chaitryas (9 ,10 ,19 ,26, 29 )
Appearance of intricacies of wood
Basic reason for construction ?

To provide religious prayer place for Buddhist monks.

Geographical Location: Charanandri Hills
World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983.
Consist of 34 caves.
Hewn out of volcanic basaltic material
Datable from : 6-7 cent AD to 11-12 cent AD
All buddhist caves are dated to 630 –700 AD
Only 12 buddhist caves are there.
Monastries ( 1-9 ) , Do Taal &Teen Taal ( three storeyed )
Earliest one is Cave no.6.

Large multistoreyed living quarters

Appearance of wood.
Vishwakarma /Carpenter cave (cave no. 10)

Multi storeyed entry
Cathedral –like stupa hall
Wooden-beam look of ceiling
15-foot Buddha in preaching pose
Located at Karla ,Maharashtra.
Associated with Mahasinghaka sect of Buddhism.
Karla was a natural cave.
Built over 2 periods: 2nd cent BCE –2nd cent AD
5th –10th cent AD
Thoughtful selection of location

Location in accordance with Buddhist prescription.

Natural area close to trade routes.
Construction Techniques of caves

Abandoned caves
Eliminating need for scaffolding
Workers’ accommodation

Main Chaitya has reliefs dating to 1st cent BCE.

Many Viharas & Chaityas.
Monastery had two 15 metre huge pillars.
Ekaveera temple
Arched entrances and Vaulted interiors.
Magnificent pillars frame the entrance.
Lion column at entrance
Closed stone façade & torana.
Carvings on outer porch.
Façade carved to imitated finished wood.
Outside area once had a balcony.
Stupa with an umbrella at the end of hall.
Carved sculptures of animals and couples.
Carved columns.
Central motif is large horse shoe arch.
Chaitya Sun Window

Whole system of lighting depends on sun window.

Beautiful light & shade effects.
Located at Karli,near Lonavla, Maharashtra.
Located on major trade route of past.
The Karla Connection.

Location close to each other.

Stylistically similar.
Share same set of architectural designs.
Chaityagriha with horse shoe arched entrance.
Unique reliefs of Indian mythology.
Largest Chaitya in India.
Dimensions: 15 metres wide & 16 metres high
Arched roof with 2000 -year old wooden beams.
Wooden umbrella has no corrosion.
Other caves have naves and aisles.
Apse contains solid stupa.
Aisle arouns apse provides circumambulation path.
Presence of fine sculptures.
Waterfall at last cave.
Thank You

Project Made By : Adya Sharma , FYBA

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