Chapter 3 The Filipino Way

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Chapter 3
 The students should:
-be able to analyze crucial qualities of the
Filipino moral identity in their own moral
- be able to evaluate elements that need to
be change
 A nation empowers itself depending on
the beliefs, goals, ideals, aspirations, and
values of its citizens.
- In order to achieve national unity and
progress it needs the full cooperation of its
- Values as a people and as a nation gives the
identity that differentiates one race from the
others. These values may improve or hinder
development and progress but nonetheless, with
unity of diversity, development and progress are
 Everycountry has its differing values
and stereotypes, and the Philippines is
no exception.

 WeFilipinos firmly believe that our

country has the best values in the
 Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to
the set of values or the value system that a
majority of the Filipino have historically held
important in their lives.

 This Philippine values system includes their own

unique assemblage of consistent ideologies,
moral codes, ethical values that are promoted by
their society
Models of the Filipino Values
(F. Landa Jocano)

Exogenous model Indigenous model or

traditional model-
or foreign model described as traditional
described to be a and non-formal model”
“legal and formal and deeply embedded in
the subconscious of the
model. Filipinos.
Elements and composition of Filipino values
Surface values – values readily seen and observed ,
values exhibited and esteemed by many Filipinos.
The surface values are as follows:
 1. hiya ( propriety/ dignity)
 2. pakikisama ( companionship/ esteem)
 3. utang na loob (gratidute/solidarity)
Core values – surface values are considered
branches from a single origin – the actual core
value of the Filipino personality- kapwa
Kapwa – means “togetherness” and refers to
community , or not doing things alone.

 Categories of kapwa
 1. ibang tao (other people)
 1. Hospitality – the Filipino community are very warm and
They even give warm and hospitable.
They even give “pasalubong” (welcome gifts ) and “pabaon”
(farewell gifts) to guests

 2. Respect – the use of po and opo in conversing with older people.

 3. Strong family ties / family orientation – results to the family still
being intact regardless that the children are old and with families of
their own
 4. Generosity and Helpfulness- Filipinos are generous people. Even
when we have very little, we always share with those around us
 5. Strong work ethic – Filipinos are hardworking people. They
always find creative ways to earn a living.
 6. Love and caring – Filipinos are sweet and most loving people
in the world.
 7. Strong faith in God – their faith in God keeps them united to
overcome all the problems and challenges of life.
 8. Flexibility, adaptability and creativity
Studies show that Filipinos often have an aversion to a set
of standardized rules or procedures; they are known to follow a
“natural clock” or organic sense of time- doing things in the time
they feel is right. They are present- oriented; which means that
one attends to a task or requirement at the time it is needed and
does not worry much about future engagement.
 9. Kagandahang – loob – kagandahang loob is literally
translated as ‘beauty-of-will” and is synonymous
with another term kabutihang- loob or “goodness-
of- will “. According virgilio enriques.
 10. Joy and Humor
 Thisfamous trait is the ability of Filipinos to find humor
in everything. It shed light on the optimism and
positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so
as to remain determined in going through struggles of
challenges. It serves as a coping technique, the same
way a child who has fallen laughs at himself/herself to
hide his/her embarrassment.
 1. Fatalism / come what may – this is also synonymous to the phrase
“Que sera sera” (whatever will be, will be), or Hakuna Matata” ( No
 It leave everything to chance or just let the circumstances take care of
themselves, embracing luck over good reason.
 2. Ningas kugon- “kugon” is a kind of grass that burns easily when dry
but extinguished easily as well. Like the cogon grass, Filipinos start
things with great enthusiasm but at the first sign of difficulty, the
enthusiasm is consumed as fast as it has ignited.
 3.Colonial Mentality
 Filipinos prefer foreign made products instead of patronizing Philippine-
made ones. This result to higher grains for foreign businessmen than local
businessmen. Thus, it motivates Filipino businessmen to improve the quality
of their products to make it more competitive against foreign ones.

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