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Should GAY marriages be legalized in all

countries? Presented by Joanne

Definition of gay marriage


Good impacts

Problems that same-sex couples will face

Legend of President Obama

Gay marriage is also called same-sex marriage.

What is Gay The marriage of two persons of the same sex or

Marriage? gender.

According to the data, there are already have

27 countries legalized same-sex marriage which
includes Taiwan, Australia, Brazil, Canada,
France, Mexico, Spain, and the United States.
Do you The history of gay marriage in western
culture is basically linked to the

know about evolution of marriage in general.

the history
of gay The Netherlands was the first country to

legalize gay marriage, which inspired the
common practice of legalization of
homosexuality in many countries.
Good impacts of legalized same-sex marriage

Put aside ‘traditional’ ideas

• The concept of “traditional marriage” has changed over time, and the definition of marriage
between a man and a woman is historically inaccurate.
• People should not limit others to a frame because of traditional ideas and concepts and this
behaviour is very rude and selfish of them.
Gives right to start a family
• There have been lesbian and gay couples who want to start a family and have their own
children. Before, this was not allowed and looked at negatively by society.
• Now, gay and lesbian couples can adopt children just as straight couples can. They can even
have children of their own through medical technology such as vitro fertilization.
Good impacts of legalized same-sex marriage

Legal Rights Protection

Same-sex couples should enjoy the same benefits as straight couples. They can enjoy 1,138
benefits, rights and protection which includes:
 Hospital visits during the illness period.
 Submitting joint option tax returns.
 Obtaining family health insurance.
 Bereavement leave and inheritance rights if a partner dies.
Problems that same-sex couples will face:

Affects Child Development

• Kids need both a father and a mother image to have a balance and normal childhood.
• Gender roles can be hard to play especially if biological and physical aspects are the issue.

Prone to Bullying
• Opponents of gay marriage claim that making same-sex marriage legal can bring problems
in the future especially when children are involved.
• Children may be prone to bullying at schools and some even end up being physically hurt
by other kids.
Legend of President
• First president who supported the
legalization of same-sex marriage.
• In an interview with ABC News, President
Obama said “I think same-sex couples
should be able to get married.”
• “We need to recognize that people are
going to have differing views on marriage
and those views, even if we disagree
strongly, should be respected”
Same-sex couples should be allowed the same opportunity as
couples of the opposite sex to get married. To decide that a
couple isn’t worthy of marriage because they are of the same
sex is unfair and cruel. As you can see gay and lesbian
couples should have the right to get married and you should
not judge other people’s lives because if you were gay or
lesbian, you wouldn’t want people to talk about and judge



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