Why People Smoke-English

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Why People Smoke

Rakyan Ananda Seda – 07111840000055

Nadhif Ramadhan – 07111840000049
Afifah Apriliani – 07111840007001
Faiz Ahmad Kurniawan – 07111840000143
Shabrina Isnani – 08411840000033
Why do people start smoking?
 Most smokers begin as children (~ 30% by 11 years
 There is no single reason why young people begin
to smoke.
 Predisposing factors include
– low socioeconomic status
– adverse childhood experiences
– mental illness are generally not easily changed.
 Influencing factors
– Friends and the presence of people around them who
 Nicotine addiction can occur rapidly. (~10% within 2
days, ~25% within a month)
Why do people keep smoking?
 Nicotine addiction
 Behavioral rewards
 Stress relief
 Avoid weight gain
Nicotine addiction
 Nicotine reaches the brain in 10 to 16 seconds
(faster than if it was delivered intravenously),
and lasts about two hours.
 Nicotine induces the release of dopamine, in a
similar way to amphetamines and cocaine.
 Has a biphasic effect, it can both invigorate and
 Nicotine improves reaction time in new users,
but not in chronic users.
 Nicotine withdrawal starts within hours and
peaking within the first week.
Symptoms of nicotine
 Lightheadedness
 Sleep disturbance
 Poor concentration
 Craving for nicotine
 Irritability or aggression
 Depression
 Restlessness
 Increased appetite
Behavioural rewards of smoking
 The sight, smell and sensations of smoking have
a behavioural conditioning effect – which NRT
does not address.
 Smoking can elicit Pavlovian response – eg.
having a cup of coffee, concluding a meal,
seeing or smelling smoke. Considered a reason
why light smokers, continue to smoke.
 Social norms play a role – whether smoker is
discouraged (smoke free messages) or
encouraged (high prevalence/social norm)
Smoking to deal with stress
 Many smokers report they feel calmer and have
improved concentration after a cigarette – although more
likely the cigarette has alleviated the symptoms of
 Smoking is similar to some relaxation techniques:
– going outside to smoke – leaving the stressful situation behind
– smoke is inhaled and exhaled in a slow and often deliberate
manner – similar to relaxation breathing techniques.
 These are useful methods in their own right for dealing
with stress, so remind people they probably already have
the skills to manage stress, even if they don’t realise it.
Smoking to avoid weight gain
 Weight gain occurs in approximately 75%
of people following smoking cessation
 Probably due to  in metabolic rate
 Health risks of smoking considered worse
than health risks of extra weight
Barriers to quitting smoking
 Enjoy smoking
 Craving
 Stress relief
 Withdrawal symptoms
 Weight gain
 Fear of failure
 Cost of meds
 Discouragement
 Cost of classes
 Timing of classes
 Disrupt social relations
The lifetime benefits of quitting
 Many of the major risks associated with
smoking decrease within two to five years
of quitting smoking. For some conditions a
residual risk remains and may never return
to the level of a non-smoker
The social responsibility of
 It is important smokers minimise the risk of
their smoking for those around them –
especially babies and children
The social responsibility of
Non-smokers can be exposed to smoke by two
recognised ways:
 “Second hand smoke”, which is exposure to
cigarette smoke from someone smoking nearby,
often described as “the exposure that occurs as
an unavoidable consequence of breathing in a
smoke-filled environment”.
 “Third hand smoke” – which is residual tobacco
smoke and particles remaining after the
cigarette is extinguished.
Second hand smoke

 Also known as environmental tobacco

 ~ 85% “sidestream smoke” – smoke
emitted from the burning end of the
cigarette, and ~15% “mainstream smoke”
– smoke exhaled by smokers.
 Sidestream smoke poses the greatest risk
because it has not been filtered.
Second hand smoke – at home
and work

 Approximately 10% of NZers are exposed

to second hand smoke in their homes
 Māori most likely to be exposed
The effects of second hand smoke
 There is no safe level of second hand smoke
 Contributes to ~ 350 deaths per year.
 People have an increased risk of lung cancer,
coronary heart disease, stroke and sudden
infant death syndrome.
 It has been estimated that in New Zealand,
second hand smoke exposure in the home will
contribute to approximately:
– 15,000 episodes of childhood asthma annually,
– > 27,000 child respiratory problems
– 1500 operations for glue ear
Third hand smoke
 The particles and gases that linger in a room,
remain in the clothing, hair or possessions after
someone has smoked.
 It is difficult to quantify the extent of the risk.
 Children are generally considered more
susceptible to the effects of third hand smoke
because they may touch, mouth, play and crawl
on contaminated surfaces.
Keeping others safe
 While people continue to smoke, it is important
they consider the risks to those around them.
 Smokefree Homes campaign (2004) adopted
the message “taking the smoke outside”.
 Smoke Free Cars campaign (2006) encouraged
to not smoke in the car, even when alone. “…the
poisons linger long after the smoke has

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