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Directions: Read and analyze the statement carefully and loop
the word that corresponds to your answer.
1.Less effective when managers are surrounded with a pool of
information which is sometimes misinterpreted by the clients.
2.Provides support to people to live well, by addressing the factors
that influence their health and well-being.
3.The exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication
4.These details will highlight contra-indications that will indicate
whether massage would be suitable for the client.
5. These details will enable you to select the appropriate massage
and massage medium to be used for the client.
How can you define record keeping based on
your own prior knowledge?
Do you have an idea on how to keep client
Why do you need to have a client’s record?
How many years do you have to keep client
 What details are commonly seen in the pictures.
and Learn

Record Keeping is the
process of recording
transactions and events
in an accounting system.
“• What are the needed important details of the
client that should be recorded in terms of the ff:
• -Personal Details
• -Past Medical History
• -Present Medical History
• -Massage Analysis
• -Examination
• -Skin Condition
• *Other Information
“Let’s Try!”
Directions: Work in pair! Interview your partner
and record the essential information needed.
 Personal Details
 Past and Present Medical History
• Massage Analysis
Client records are maintained for a
variety of reasons, the most important
of which is for the benefit of the
client. As a massage therapist, what
are the essential information of the
client that should be recorded?
 Five groups will choose their representative to report in
front of the class what they have learned from the
lesson orally.

The essential information gathered will provide a

baseline from which the appropriate treatment is planned,
the effectiveness of the treatment can be judged and any
necessary changes or adjustments made.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Identify on which factor
belongs the ff:
a. Skin Condition
b. Other Information
c. Examination
d. Massage Analysis
____1. Reasons for requesting massage
____2. Areas of soft fat
____3. Contra-indications
____4. Posture
____5. Number of Sessions
• Have a research of the
-Different massage products,
services and programs

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