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Activity 1
• Refer to the piece of paper that is given by
the teacher.
• Then follow the instructions being said by
the teacher and also being flash in the
Activity 1
• Group yourselves into two groups. One
group are all ODD numbers and the other
group are all EVEN number.
• Group yourselves according to the colour
of your piece of paper.
• Group yourselves by number that all
number 1 must be in one group and so
• Group yourselves according to the number
on the paper and that every group must
have nos. 1 – 11.
Activity 2
• Guess the words being described by the
teacher together with a jumbled letters.
• Every member of each group is given a
chance to answer.
• Raise your hand if you want to answer.
• The group who can answer correctly will
be given an additional of 10 pts.
• You are only given 10 seconds every
Question #1
The set of all possible outcomes in an


Question #2
The numerical measure of the likelihood that
an event will occur

Question #3
Characteristics being measured in every unit
of universe


Question #4
Type of quantitative variables that cannot be
counted but measurable


Question #5
The subset of a sample space


Question #6
Kind of quantitative variables that are
countable or distinct


Activity 3
• Each group will be given sample problems
to solve written in the cards.
• You are only required to follow the steps
written in the cards to get the correct
• You have 15 minutes to answer.
• Once you are done shout your yell.
Follow – Up Questions???
• Did you get all the possible outcomes
• How did you get all the possible
• What are the numbers did you assign in
every sample space?
• What do you call the numbers that you
assigned in every possible outcomes that
counts to the number of tails?
Random Variables
• a function that associates a real
number to each element in the
sample space
• a value determined by chance
• usually denoted by capital letter
(X, Y, Z)
Kinds of Random
• Discrete Random Variables
- a kind of random variable where in
the set of possible outcomes is
- represent count data, such as
defective number of chairs produced in
a factory
Kinds of Random
• Continuous Random Variables
- a kind of random variables that takes
on values in continuous scale
- cannot be counted by measurable
- represent measured data, such as
heights, weights and temperatures
Steps in Finding Values of
Random Variables
1. Find all the possible outcomes in
every experiment.
2. Assign numbers for the
frequency of the event to occur
Steps in Finding Values of
Random Variables
Example: Two balls are drawn in
succession without replacement
from an urn containing 5 red balls
and 6 blue balls. Let Z be the
random variables representing the
number of blue balls. Find the
values of the random variable Z.
Questions to Answer???
• Describe random variables.
• Differentiate discrete and continuous
random variables.
• Why is it necessary to get the value of a
random variables?
Discrete or Continuous?
1. the number of defective computers
produced by a manufacturer
2. weight of the new born each year in a
3. the number of siblings in a family of a
4. the speed of a car
5. the amount of sugar in a cup of coffee
Discrete or Continuous?
6. the number of people who are
playing LOTTO each day
7. the average amount of electricity
consumed per household per month
8. the number of voters favoring a
9. the time needed to finish the test
10. the number of deaths per year
attributed to lung cancer
Answer the following:
1. Four coins are tossed. Let Z be the random
variables representing the number of heads
that occur. Find the values of the random
variable Z.
2. A shipment of five computers contains two that
are defective. If a retailer receives three of
these computers at random, list the elements
of the sample space using the letters D and N
for defective and non – defective computers,
respectively. To each sample point assign a
value x of the random variable X representing
the number of computers purchased by the
retailer which are defective.
I. Classify the following random variables as
discrete or continuous. Write D if discrete and
C for continuous. Write your answer on the
space provided each number.
___1. the amount of paint utilized in a building
___2. the number of drop – out in a school district
for 10 years.
___3. the number of female students
___4. the weight of infants in the year 2017 – 2018
___5. the speed in answering the mathematics
II. Determine the values of a random
variables defined in the following
From a box containing 4 black balls and 2
green balls, 3 balls are drawn in
succession. Each ball is placed back in
the box before the next drawn is made.
Let G be a random variable representing
the number of green balls that occur.
Find the values of the random variable G.
“You may not be able to control
every situation and outcome, but
you can control your attitude and
how you deal with it.”

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