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Gender Issues

Gender equality must be achieved

personally, institutionally and
programmatically for real change to
Sex and Gender

Sex is the biological status women and

men are born with.
Gender refers to how boys and girls are
socialized differently to become
productive members of their culture.
Gender sensitive

Understanding the differences between

mutually respectful gender roles based
on shared power and not using those
roles to have power over another and
restrict his or her personal growth and
self-discrimination. Not discriminating
or stereotyping on the bases of sex or
Equality and Equity

Equality is a goal to which we can

aspire. Equity means fairness, i.e.,
finding ways to help the disadvantaged
and disempowered "catch up" with their
more actualized fellow humans through
opportunities for development and
control over their lives.

The process by which women and

men achieve skills, confidence and
support to determine their own lives
and make their own choices. It is the
state in which people have access to
resources and opportunities to control
their own future.
The Global
Gender Gap

Gender Gap ©World Economic Forum

38% of all
murdered women are
killed by their intimate
1 in 3 women partners.
across the world

Women’s Rights Statistics

Source: AWID Global Survey
Women make up just 22% of

Women’s Rights Statistics

Source: AWID Global Survey
Only 4% of signatories in 31 major peace
processes between 1992 and 2011 were

Source: UN Women – Women’s Participation in Peace

Negotiations: Connections between Presence and
Influence, 2011)

Women’s Rights Statistics

Source: AWID Global Survey
7.4% of countries have had
female heads of states over the
last 50 years.
Source: The Global Gender Gap Report 2013,
World Economic Forum)

Women’s Rights Statistics

Source: AWID Global Survey
Only 1 in 10 received
funding from bilateral
donors, national
governments and

Women’s Rights Statistics

Source: AWID Global Survey
Gender IDA
Fostering gender
equality and

Promoting Gender Equality

Women on top:
Philippines World Bank identified
among most the Philippines as a
world leader in gender
gender equal equality.
Camille Diola
2013, April 19
Women on top:
Philippines 55 percent
among most of Filipino lawmakers,
gender equal senior officials and
nations managers are female.
(2007 - 2011)
Camille Diola
2013, April 19
Statistics You
Should Know
About Gay &
4% up to 10%
of the Population
is Gay

LGBT students at
schools are much
more likely to report
harassment to
school authorities.

Gay teens are 8.4

times more likely to
report having
attempted suicide
5.9 times more
likely to report high
levels of depression
LGBT youth who
reported higher levels
of family rejection
during adolescence
are three times more
likely to use
illegal drugs.
Half of gay males
experience a
negative parental
reaction when they
come out and in
26% of those
thrown out of
the home.
Harassment & Violence

Nearly a fifth of students

are physically assaulted
because of their sexual
orientation and over a
tenth because of their
gender expression.
About two-thirds
of LGBT students
reported having
ever been sexually
harassed in school
in the past year.
Students who were
frequently physically
harassed because
of their sexual
orientation was half
a grade lower than
that of
other students.
About two-thirds
of LGBT students
reported having
ever been sexually
harassed in school
in the past year.
About two-thirds
of LGBT students
reported having
ever been sexually
harassed in school
in the past year.
About two-thirds
of LGBT students
reported having
ever been sexually
harassed in school
in the past year.
Divide on
The Global Divide on Homosexuality:
Greater Acceptance in More Secular and Affluent Countries
2013, February
Where Homosexuality is Most Accepted?
Religiosity and Views of Homosexuality
Gender and Views of Homosexuality
Gay rights are Human rights?

©Hillary Clinton
We are all inhabitants of world.

Thank You!
Issues & Problems in Contemporary Society
MATI-ONG, Rico M., BSE Social Science
Philippine Normal University
Academic Year 2015 - 2016

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