Reduction of Waste For A Rewarding Development

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(Reduction of Waste for a Rewarding

II. Rationale

Waste management has long been a major problem in the Philippines. In the
Municipality of Diffun alone, a total of fifty truck load of residual wastes are
generated weekly by the people in the urbanized area alone. This waste
materials are collected and dumped in the Municipal Sanitary Landfill.

Plastic bags use as packaging/packing materials for goods sold in stores,

markets and other similar establishments including school canteen is one of
the voluminous waste materials collected and even clogging the waste
water canals of the municipality
II. Rationale

Moreover, the generation today needs to learn the cascading effect of

environmental degradation. It is with this single leap that the students, faculty
and staff can create a positive change towards the Government efforts in
greening the environment and mitigating the effect of climate change.
In order to ensure healthy and safety of the populace and protect the
environment from pollution and environmental impacts. An ordinance on
prohibiting use of non-biodegradable plastic bags/receptacles by business
establishments in the Municipality of Diffun was enacted.
III. Objectives

The main objective of this proposal is to help in developing or greening our

University for the future generations by reduction of waste consumption.
Specifically, It aims to:
1. Educate the students, faculty and staff on the importance of minimal
waste consumption;
2. Eliminate single plastic use inside the university;
3. Implement the Bring Your Own Baunan (BYOB) program to students and
faculty; and
4. Reduce waste consumption for a greener environment.
IV. Project Description

The project proposal entitled “REWARD” which stands for Reduction of

Waste for a Rewarding Development focuses on the minimal use of waste in
the University coupled with different practices that can reduce waste
consumption by the QSU community. Moreover, it is an effort to support the
local ordinance number 08-2014, on prohibiting the use of non-
biodegradable plastic bags/receptacles by business establishments in Diffun
---- which can decrease the waste generated by the locality. The decrease
in waste consumption will eventually lead to greening the environment
preventing environmental degradation. The reduction of waste
consumption is the primary stand of this proposal. Since plastic waste can not
be totally eliminated, the reduction of use is the key to help save the
environment from degradation.
IV. Project Description

 The project will first focus on reduction of wastes generated in school

canteen premises with the participation of all the consumers in the
 The Information campaigns will also include being mindful consumers and
inculcating environmental concern as an individual engaging into the
program the QSUians including the faculty, staff and the students will be
educated through information dissemination campaigns, infographics
and through social media on minimizing waste consumption such as the
“Bring your own Baunan” and eliminating the use of plastic and its impact
in the environment
IV. Project Description

 This will encourage the students and the faculty to dine in the school
canteen premises when no reusable wares are bought for take out which
includes reusable containers, tablewares and refillable water containers.
All forms of non-biodegradable amenities such as fork, spoon, styro cups,
plates, straws and plastic ‘labo’ will be banned in the school premises.
 Students who will not comply on the “BYOB” program and elimination of
single plastic use will be sanctioned by ecobricking their own plastic
wastes and donating it to the University’s Solid Waste Management
Coordinator for possible recycling activity. Ecobricks will be composed of
at least 600 gms of clean plastic wastes stuffed inside any pet bottle.
V. Budgetary Requirement

A. Source of Funds
Donations from alumni and local community environmental
advocates for the initial implementation of the project.

B. Expected expenditures

Infographics Printing 1,000php

Seminar on Program
Implementation targeting 300php
School Canteens
VI. Monitoring and Evaluation

The Governing student organization in the University will create a task

force to aid the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the
sustainability of the project. Members will include representatives of the
different organizations. They are tasked to inspect and monitor compliance
of the project “REWARD” primarily focusing on school canteens as the target
area of monitoring. For non-compliant students, they will be required to fill up
a citation ticket and they will be cleared by the Student Government upon
compliance with the sanction.

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