Family Structures: Ms. Glenda Samsel - Saludo, Mem Baguio City National Science High School

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Family Structures

Ms. Glenda Samsel –Saludo, MEM

Baguio City National Science High SChool
Definition - Family
•A group of people related by either
consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by
marriage or other relationship), by legal
adoption or co-residence or some combination
of these.
•Two or more persons who are related by birth,
marriage, or adoption and who live together as
one household (Bureau of Census)
Definition – Family Structure
•refers to the type of family, including the
composition or members of the family
as well as the family roles, family
support system and systems or ways of
Kinds of Family or Family Structures
1) Nuclear Family or Core Family ,Traditional
-includes any parent, child, spouse, or sibling,
whether by blood or marriage.
- Members of a core family
a) Parents
b) Children
Kinds of Family / Family Structures
2) Extended Family
-Contains multiple generations and additional relatives (other
than the parents and their children)
-parts of an extended family
a) Grandparents
b) Great-grandparents
c) Aunts
d) Uncles
e) Cousins
Functions/Roles of Family
Kinds of Family Type of Function / Social Roles
Social function or
social responsibility
Nuclear family Primary function Father
(provide basic needs, Mother
caring, guidance , children
survival needs)
Extended family Secondary function Grandparents
(support, as surrogate Aunts
parents, caregivers) Uncles
Kinds of Family / Family Structures
3) Step Families
- two families brought together due to divorce, separation and
4) Single parent family
- can be either a father or a mother who is singly responsible
for the raising of the children . This is a single parent by
choice or by life circumstance.
- 5) Adoptive Family
- a family where one or more of the children has been
Kinds of Family / Family Structures
6) Bi-racial or multi-racial Family
- A family where the parents are members of different race or
racial identity
7) Trans-racial adoptive family
- A family where the adopted child or children is of a different
racial identity
8) Blended Family
- a family which consist or members from two or more
previous families
Kinds of Family / Family Structures
9) Conditionally separated families
- A family member is separated from the rest of the family.
This may be due to an overseas employment, military service,
incarceration or hospitalization
10) Foster family
- A family where one of the children is legally a temporary
member of the household. This temporary period maybe as
short as a few days or a s long as the entire childhood.
11) Gay or lesbian or LGBTQ Family
- a family where the sexual orientation of one or both of the
parent is gay , lesbian of BTQ and others
Kinds of Family / Family Structures
12) Immigrant families
- A family where the parents have immigrated to another
country as adults . The children may or may not be
13) Migrant family
- A family that moves regularly to places where they have
been employed.
- The most common form of migrant family are farm workers,
and pastoral workers
Instruction: Make a five-line POEM about your family by
following the example below:

(_____) family
______ and ______ * (2 adjectives that describe your family)
_________________ (verb and adverb)
like a _________ * (to what can you compare your family)
____________family motto
(line 2 ad 4 must rhyme, line 3 and 5 must rhyme)
3) In-laws
-A person you are related to by marriage
- People Involved
a) Parent In-law
b) Son in-law
c) Daughter in-law
d) Sisters In-law
e) Brothers In-law
Common Problems
Dolipas, Curtis
Common Problems
a)Stress and Tension
c) Lack of family planning
Common Problems
1) Divorce

- Ending of a marriage by a legal process

2) Death of a loved one

3)Drugs and Alcohol

Importance and
Bohol, Jollan
Importance and Benefits
- It can help kids feel loved
- It can contribute to resolving many of children’s
- It can assist in overcoming problems
- It can teach family members respect
- It can promote social skills in children
Importance and Benefits
- Parents can be apt role models
- It can encourage children to develop a high
moral character
- It can enhance a sense of responsibility in kids
- It can help intensify emotional intimacy
Do’s and Don’ts
Degay, Djms
Lohhan, Chelu
•Develop Emotional Intimacy
•Plan a Life Together
•Bring Them Comfort
•Act in the Right Time
•Don’t play on their weaknesses
•Don’t get even
•Don’t assume or blow things out of
•Don’t act out of desperation
How to Keep Relationships with
Your Family
Balmeo, Frederick
How to keep family relations
1) Have fun with your family
2) Stay calm and share affection
3) Communicate with each other
4) Practice gratitude
5) Forgive
6) Be compassionate
7) Accept others
8) Create rituals together
9) Spend the right amount of time together
How to keep relationship with your spouse
1) Remind your partner you appreciate them
2) Say thank you
3) Practice honesty
4) Take care of appearance
5) Watch your words
6) Be kind
7) Maintain the intimacy
How to maintain sibling relationship
1) Share
2) Communicate
3) Hangout
4) Prevent debate
5) Learn to tolerate
Thanks for Listening !!!!!!!!!

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