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Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina


o In February 1992, Bosnia demanded independence from

Yugoslavia, through referendum.

o The turnout in the independence referendum in

February was 63.7% and 99.4% voted for independence.

o War began in Sarajevo on April 6.


o First day of the referendum, March 1, 1992.

o On April 5 massive anti-war marches

o Serb gunmen shot at the crowd from the SDP

headquarters and killed two people, who were considered
to be the first causalities of the war in Bosnia.
Con …
oThe Siege of Sarajevo

oThe Markale Massacres

oThe Srebrenica Massacre

oThe Dayton Peace Agreement

Preemptive Measures

o Pressure both sides to negotiate

o Implement sanctions and send peacekeepers

Con …
o Establish safe zone to provide security to
fleeing population

o Block both bilateral and multilateral aid to

Con …
o Freeze government assets & economic

o Funding aid

o Work agreement for peace & arms embargo

Legal Rights

Human intervention:- “ the threat or use of force across

state borders by a state or group of states aimed at preventing
or ending a wide spread and grave violation of the fundamental
human rights of individuals other than its own citizens, without
the permission of the state within whose territory force is
United Nations Charter

Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter provides: "All

Members shall refrain in their international relations from
the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or
political independence of any State, or in any other
manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United

Article 2, paragraph 7, goes on to provide:

"Nothing contained in the present Charter shall
authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters
which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction
of any State.”
Genocide is an act committed with the intent to
destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethical,
racial or religious group.

The Convention on the Prevention and

Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Convention Resolution 96 (I ) A , declared that
``genocide is a crime under international law ,
contrary to the spirit and aims on the United
Nations and condemned by the civilized world
(UNGA 1946 .
Ethics, Value, & Norms
o Moral/Ethics:- deals with values relating to human
conduct with respect to rightness and wrongness of
certain actions.

o Duty:-obligation

o Value:-important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by

the members of a culture about what is good or desirable
and what is not.

o Norms:- the rules that a group uses for appropriate and

inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors
The ethics of human intervention


“An action is just if its consequence are more favorable

than unfavorable to all concerned. An action consequence
is everything. Conduct is never good or bad. Only its
effect on human being made it good or bad.”

Deontological Approach

The theory of our duties, it places a sense of duty over

what is naturally good.
Counter Measures
o Military supervision and international

o Cultural exchanges to enhance mutual-


o Cross border trade

Con …

o Conferences

o A common willingness to obtain peace

o Amend both Article 2 Section 4 and 7 of the United Nation
charter on governing the exercise of armed force in the
international community.
o Empower the International Court of Justice.
o Establish a truth finding board or commission.
o Set up regional peace keepers with immunity to defend and
protect people who are in their custody.
o Set up a separate reserve
account to finance the mission
of international intervention
through member countries

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