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Scarcity of water

Population growth
Climate change
Limited resources of water
Government controlled
Less focus on management
Structures deteriorated
No incentive for farmers
Less revenue
Water policy-I, II, III
Niti aayog – water index
Planning commission
Punjab farmer commission
Equitable distribution
Sense of ownership
Major, Medium,Minor-33lakh hec.
Tubewells- 67% and canals-17%
Irrigation act 1931- pani panchayat
MP sinchai prabandhan me krishiko ki bhagidari
State water policy
Per drop more crop
Water user associations
Distributory committee
Project committee
Apex committee
No. of WUA in MP
Capacity building
Heterogeneous society- asymmetry in relation
Poor infrastructure
Official apathy
WUA- political entry platform
Less number of WUA
Contractor like attitude of presidents of WUA

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