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Kingdom Protista
– 1. Prokaryotes:
– Bacteria and blue green algae
– Bacteria are unicellular free living organisms having both DNA and RNA. They are
capable of performing all essential processes of life, e.g., growth, reproduction, and
– 2. Eukaryotes:
– Fungi, algae other than blue green, protozoa, and slime moulds are eukaryotes.
– 3. Archaebacteria:
– These are more closely related to eukaryotes than prokaryotes. They however do not
include any human pathogens.
– Bakteri  prokariotik uniselular, termasuk kelas Schizomycetes
– Berkembang biak aseksual dengan pembelahan sel. Bakteri tidak
berklorofil kecuali beberapa yang bersifat fotosintetik.
– Cara hidup  dapat hidup bebas, parasitik, saprofitik, patogen pada
manusia, hewan dan tumbuhan.
– Habitatnya tersebar luas di alam, dalam tanah, atmosfer (sampai +
10 km diatas bumi), di dalam lumpur, dan di laut.
– Bentuk bakteri dapat dipengaruhi oleh umur dan syarat
pertumbuhan tertentu.
– Bakteri dapat mengalami involusiperubahan bentuk yang
disebabkan faktor makanan, suhu, dan lingkungan yang kurang
menguntungkan bagi bakteri.
– Dapat mengalami pleomorfi yaitu bentuk yang bermacam-macam
dan teratur walaupun ditumbuhkan pada syarat pertumbuhan yang
Bacteria Cell
Identifying Prokaryotes

– Cell Shape
– Cell Wall
– Movement
Bacterium Shapes
– Cocci: The cocci (kokkos, berry) are oval or spherical cells.
These may be arranged in pairs (e.g., pneumococci,
meningococci, and gonococci), tetrads (micrococci),
chains (e.g., streptococci), and clusters (e.g.,
– Bacilli: The bacilli (bacillus, rod) are rod shaped. These
bacilli may show either of the following arrangement: (a)
Coccobacilli: Length of the bacteria is approximately the
same as its width, e.g., Brucella. (b) Streptobacilli: These
are arranged in chains, e.g., Streptobacillus. (c) Comma
shaped: They exhibit curved appearance, e.g., Vibrio. (d)
Spirilla: They exhibit rigid spiral forms, e.g., Spirillum.
– Spirochetes: Spirochetes (spira, coil; chaite, hair) are
slender, flexuous spiral forms, e.g., Treponema.
– Actinomycetes: Actinomycetes (actin, ray; mykes, fungus)
are branching filamentous bacteria resembling fungi.
They possess a rigid cell wall.
Gram Positive Gram Negative

– Flagella ~ Tail like structure the whips around to propel the

– Cillia ~ Miniature flagella surround the cell that help to “swim”
– Non motile ~ Sticky cillia like structures that keep the bacterium
from moving
Bacteria and their energy

– Autotrophs
– Chemotrophs
– Heterotrophs

– Make their own energy

– Using Solar energy
– Eg. Cyanobacteria

– Make own Energy

– Using Chemical energy
– Eg. Archaebacteria

– Obtain food
– By eating
– Eg. E-coli
Bacteria Reproduction

– Binary Fission
– Conjugation
– Spore Formation
Cellular organism copies it’s genetic information then splits into
two identical daughter cells

– A type of Bacteria Sex

– Two organism swap genetic
information, that contains the
information such as a resistance
to penicillin
Spore Formation: Endospore
– A type of dormant cell
– Exhibit no signs of life
– Highly resistant to
environmental stresses such
-High temperatures
-Strong acids
– Endospores are formed by
vegetative cells in response to
environmental signals that
indicate a limiting factor for
vegetative growth, such as
exhaustion of an essential
Generation time of the Bacterial growth
bacteria curve
Factor Affecting Growth of
– Oksigen
– Aerobic bacteria
– Obligate: P.aeruginosa
– facultative aerob: E.coli
– Microaerophilic (low O2&lowCO2): Campylobacter jejuni

– Anaerobic bacteria
– Obligate: Clostridium botulinum, C.tetani lack SOD and catalase

– Carbon dioksida H. influenzae, Brucella abortus

– Temperature 25-40, maksimum 37 pathogenic bacteria
– pH: 7.2-7.6 pathogenic bacteria
– Acid: lactobacilli
– Alkaline (8.2-8.4) Vibrio cholera
– Light
– Osmotics pressure
Types Microorganism

– Saprofit
– Parasite
– Commensal
– Pathogen
– Opportunistic pathogen
Infection mechanism

– Pressence of Microbes in the body

– The symptom of the disease
– Production toxin (endotoxin and eksotoxin)
– Production imflammation
– Immunophatogenesis (E.coli, Streptococcus viridans)
Faktor penyebab infeksi
– Virulensi
– Kualitas/kuantitas mikroorganisme – MO dan Flora Normal
– Kekebalan host/manusia – patogen oportunistik
– Ada portal de entry – jalan masuk kuman (luka, lubang)
Transmition infection

– Reservoir
– Host
– Mode of transmission
– Contact
– Inoculation
– Ingestion (fecal-oral)
– Inhalation (respiratory)
– Trauma (burn/wound)
– Vector : Arthropod bite (zoonoses: mosquito, flea, tick, Tsetse fly)
– Sexual transmission
– Needle stick (blood transfusion)
– Maternal-neonatal
Entry of Organisms and Evasion of
Local Defenses
– Skin: The stratified squamous epithelium of the skin with its superficial cornified anucleate layers is a simple and
efficient mechanical barrier to prevent microbial invasion. Organisms gain access to the underlying tissues only by
breaks or by way of hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands that traverse the stratified layers. The surface
of the skin continuously desquamates and thereby tends to shed contaminating organisms. The skin also inhibits
the growth of most extraneous microorganisms due to its low moisture, low pH, and the presence of substances
with an antibacterial activity.
– Mucus: Viscous mucus secreted by goblet cells protects the epithelium lining the respiratory and gastrointestinal
tracts and urogenital system. Microorganisms become trapped in the mucus layer and may be swept away before
they reach the epithelial cell surface. Secretory IgA, secreted into the mucus, and other secreted antimicrobials
(such as lysozyme and lactoferrin) facilitate this cleansing process.
– Ciliated epithelial cells: These cells constantly move the mucus away from the epithelial surfaces. For example,
mucus in the respiratory tract—particles larger than 5 m are washed and trapped in the mucus. Similarly, the
multilayered transitional epithelium of the urinary tract uses the flushing effect of urine, and its relatively low pH
acts as an additional defense mechanism to limit microbial entry and growth.
– Secretions: The high level of hydrochloric acid and gastric enzymes in the normal stomach kills many ingested
bacteria. Others are susceptible to pancreatic digestive enzymes or to the detergent effect of bile salts.
Virulence factors
Differences between Endotoxins
and Exotoxins
Invasion bacteria

– Enzym

– Hyalunonidases and collagenase

– Coagulase

– Streptokinase (fibrinolysin)

– IgA1 proteases

– Antiphagocytic

– Capsule

– Cell wall protein

– Cytotoxins

– Surface antigen

– Biofilm

– Inflammation

– Intacellular survival

– Inhibition of phagolysosome fusion

– Resitance of lysosomal enzyms

– Adaptation cytoplasmic replication


– Sistem imun
– Autoimunitas, hipersensitivitas, defisiensi imun, immunocompromised (obat,
vaksin, virus, dll)
– Faktor-faktor : usia, nutrisi, istirahat/tidur, lingkungan, genetik, dll
Pengaturan Keseimbangan

– Sistem imun : spesifik dan non spesifik

– Sekresi khusus pada lendir hidung menahan dan menyapu sekitar 80-90% mikroorganisme
– Cilia, bulu halus pada saluran nafas mengeluarkan mikroba patogen/racun keluar Tubuh
– Cairan mukus yg lengket pada saluran nafas dan pencernaan, mengandung enzim lisosim yg
membunuh bakteri Gram positif
– Mikroba yang berhasil mengatasi rintangan ini dan sampai di alveoli akan dimakan oleh
– Bakteri tsb (flora normal) memproduksi bacteriocidin, defensin, protein kation, dan laktoferin
membunuh bakteri lain untuk berkompetisi hidup dlm tubuh
– Bila terjadi ketidak seimbangan jumlah bakteri dalam tubuh, maka bakteri tertentu normal
manjadi patogen, misalnya pengaruh obat, penyakit dsbnya (oportunis).

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