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Presented by:
Frederick G. Tangunan

1. Define what is leadership.

2. Discuss the different types of leadership

3. Demonstrate the positive effect of leadership in

Business Organization.
Leader VS Leadership
- Person - Position

A person who has A position as leader

commanding of a group,
authority of influence organization, etc.

According to Merriam Webster dictionary since 1828

Different meaning of leadership
Leadership - The action of leading the group of
people or an organization.

Leadership – is the art of motivating a group of

people to act towards achieving goal.

Leadership – is the ability of individual or a group of

individual to influence and guide followers or other
members of organization.
Meaning of leadership
According Steven M. Smith

1. Leadership is an ability, meaning leader has a

capacity to do something through talent and skills.

2. Leadership is adaptive, meaning that the leader

makes adjustments. A leader who fails to adjust to
the territory will lose their way.
Meaning of leadership
According Steven M. Smith

3. Leadership acts on a setting, meaning a leader

adjusts state of the sourroundings and people. A
leader carefully observes those states and discerns
significance looking for how to adapt the setting
most effectively.

4. Leadership empowers, meaning a leader inspire

confidence and self-steem. And that inspiration
comes in many flavor.
Meaning of leadership
According Steven M. Smith

5.Leadership acts on people feelings, meaning a

leader finds ways to link to people’s instrinc or

6. Leadership creates contribution, which means

every member gives something. Sometimes that
may be sharing an idea.
Meaning of leadership
According Steven M. Smith

7. Leadership is about solving the problems, which

means closing gaps between things as desired and
things as perceived. Everyone works on solution to
intermediary problems while keeping in mind the
ultimate problem.

8. Leadership is creativity , meaning imaginative use

limited resources. A leader that enables people to
use their imagination is a step closer to solving
problems faster, better and cheaper.
10 Common Leadership Style
 Coaching Leadership
A coaching leader is someone who can quickly
recognize their team members’ strengths, weaknesses and
motivations to help each individual improve. This type of
leader often assists team members in setting smart
goals and then provides regular feedback with challenging
projects to promote growth. They’re skilled in setting clear
expectations and creating a positive, motivating
The coach leadership style is one of the most
advantageous for employers as well as the employees they
manage. Unfortunately, it’s often also one of the most
underutilized styles—largely because it can be more time-
intensive than other types of leadership.
10 Common Leadership Style
 Visionary Leadership
Visionary leaders have a powerful ability
to drive progress and usher in periods of
change by inspiring employees and earning
trust for new ideas. A visionary leader is also
able to establish a strong organizational
bond. They strive to foster confidence among
direct reports and colleagues alike.
This type of leadership is especially helpful
for small, fast-growing organizations, or larger
organizations experiencing transformations or
corporate restructuring.

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