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• As a Christ-Centered Paulinian, I
am a courageous, resourceful
explorer and problem solver;
demonstrating my creativity and
My Learning Outcomes
At the end of the this learning discussion, I should be able to:
identify various writing styles;
differentiate imaginative writing from among other forms
of writing; and
show willingness and dedication in differentiating
imaginative writing from among other forms of writing.
• On a piece of paper, you draw a
• With a partner, describe the
woman you drew.
• What makes your drawing a

Do Me!
Answer me 
• What is the first thing you noticed about the
• What is the second thing you noticed about
the poem?
• Do these two things complement or contradict
each other?
• What mood does the poem create in you?
Understanding the distinction between 'sex' (which is a biological concept) and 'gender' (which is
a social and behavioral construct) is key to a contextual understanding of women's health in a
world largely dominated by male norms and biases. Gender relates to how we are perceived and
expected to think and act as men and women because of the way society is organized, not
because of our biological differences. For example, a woman's child-bearing potential relates to
biology while child-rearing practices relate to socially-constructed norms, customs, and values.
Gender-based norms vary across cultures and societies indicating that women and men are not
homogeneous groups. Gender-based norms in almost all cultures are unfavorable to women,
situating them in disadvantageous positions in relation to men.
Advances in science are enabling an increasing appreciation of the complexity of human health
and of the interactions between biological sex and social gender. Such an appreciation is helping
to uncover factors underpinning disproportionate disease burdens on women [6,7] although such
discourse is still evolving. Furthermore, ongoing research is contributing to the understanding of
differential disease burdens between women and men in regard to health conditions common to
both sexes, in addition to the application of sex and gender lenses to female-specific diseases
alone. For example, in low and middle income countries females suffer higher disease burdens of
preventable communicable diseases. This is an important point: sex and gender exert their
influence well beyond 'female-specific' diseases and issues such as reproduction. In general, sex
and gender have a much wider influence on disease than is usually acknowledged. They influence
the etiology, diagnosis, progression, prevention, treatment, and health outcomes of disease as
well as health-seeking behaviors and exposure to risk. Whereas sex plays a bigger role in the
etiology, onset, and progression of disease, gender influences differential risks, symptom
recognition, severity of disease, access to and quality of care, and compliance with care .
Having briefly considered the notions of sex and gender, it is now possible to explore five sex and
gender considerations in the field of biotechnology.
Answer me 
• What is the first thing you noticed about the
• What is the second thing you noticed about
the text?
• Do these two things complement or contradict
each other?
• What mood does the text create in you?
Does 'gender equality' exist in the Philippines?
Written by Portia Ladrido

Manila (CNN Philippines Life) — Sittie Norhanie Hamdag Lao was only 22 when she became the
youngest legislator in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Prior to being a
legislator, Lao was the first female president of a student government body in the 50-year history
of Marawi State University.
“When I expressed my intention to run for the student body, people kept on pounding on me
being a woman, on my gender, instead of focusing on my merits,” she says. “I didn't really intend
to win but at the back of my mind, I just wanted to challenge the status quo.”
She shares how gender inequalities, while pervasive in the Philippines, can be even more
apparent in ARMM. “A lot of people from back home, they tend to mix cultural practices with
religious practices. There's nothing in Islam that really tells a woman that you cannot participate
in politics,” she adds.
Lao is among the 10 youth ambassadors of the Investing in the Future of Young Pinays campaign,
a yearlong initiative of — a social enterprise that helps young Filipinos connect
with universities, scholarships, study abroad programs, and other educational resources that can
help students in their careers — in collaboration with the Australian government.
The ambassadors, who come from different parts of the Philippines and work in diverse fields,
from arts and filmmaking to tech and civic service, will be talking to their respective communities
about their work in the hopes of inspiring and empowering other Filipinas to be leaders in their
chosen careers.

• What is the first thing you noticed about the
• What is the second thing you noticed about
the text?
• Do these two things complement or contradict
each other?
• What mood does the text create in you?
Gender Equality In Education And Student Participation In A Higher
Education Institution : A Case In The Philippines
Bernadette GUMBA, Ph.D., C.P.A.

During the period of study, more than half of the
student population was female. This was consistent with the general situation of the
Philippine educational system where more women participate and complete formal
education from elementary to higher education. On the breakdown of student
population by gender and course, there were more female students enrolled in course
which are stereotyped as “women’s zone” like education courses, arts and letters and
tourism while males were left to dominate the technical ones like engineering and
computer-related courses. The preference of the students may be significantly
influenced by cultural constructs that women are more patient and therefore effective
teachers, or good-looking and hospitable therefore effective tourism personnel, while
men are better with machineries and buildings therefore
effective programmers and engineers. It may also be affected by the way students
perceive males as good with numbers while females with letters.

Answer me 
• What is the first thing you noticed about the
• What is the second thing you noticed about
the text?
• Do these two things complement or contradict
each other?
• What mood does the text create in you?
Academic Writing
• Is the style commonly used in scholastic
• Mainly used in the publications and references
used by the teacher and researchers, or in
educational conference presentations.
• Examples: book reports, essays, research
papers, and theses.
Technical Writing
• Conveys specific information about a technical
subject for a specific audience.
• Contains facts and is straightforward in its
tone of writing.
• Commonly used in the field of science,
engineering, and business.
• Examples: memorandums, reports, and
Journalistic Writing
• is a writing style employed in various mass media
such as newspaper, television, and radio.
• A reliable piece of writing:
– Accurate: the information presented must be true and
– Balance: both sides of the story should be presented.
– Objective: personal biases should be avoided.
– Concise: it must be direct to the point.
– Current: the element of time must be higlighted.
DIRECTIONS: Identify the form of writing used in each
material. Do a FINGER HEART SIGN if you think it is
imaginative writing; do a SWAG SIGN for technical
writing; do a PEACE SIGN for academic writing; and
PABEBE WAVE for journalistic writing.
1. Little Red Riding Hood
2. House Speaker calls for Bato resignation by
Kristine Angeli Sabillo
3. The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the
Company That Is Connecting the World by David
4. Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
5. The Effects of Tardiness on Students’ Academic
Performance Know Me!
Imaginative Technical Writing Academic Writing Journalistic
Writing Writing







attitude, feelings,
Imaginative Technical Writing Academic Writing Journalistic
Writing Writing
Definition Expresses the writers goal-oriented and it intends to prove a the style of writing
thoughts and feeling in talks about different theory or viewpoint in used to report news
a creative, unique, and ways by which the one way or the other stories in newspapers,
artistic way desired goal can be television broadcasts,
achieved. on radio and on the
Content Imaginative and Factual and Factual and Factual and
artistic straightforward straightforward Straightforward
Purpose Entertain and Educate To inform, instruct Inform, Persuade Entertain and Inform
and persuade people
into action to
purchase a product or
Audience General Specific Students, Teachers, General
Professors, Instructors

Language Informal, metaphoric, Formal Standard Formal Standard Journalistic Language

symbolic, and Language Language
Vocabulary General Specialized Specialized General and
Vocabulary Vocabulary Specialized
Tone(mood, attitude, subjective objective objective objective
feelings, emotion)
Creative Writing
• that goes outside the bounds of normal
professional, journalistic, academic, or technical
forms of literature, typically identified by an
emphasis on narrative craft, character
development, and the use of literary tropes or with
various traditions of poetry and poetics.
• is any form of writing which is written with the
creativity of mind: fiction writing, poetry writing,
creative nonfiction writing and more. The purpose is
to express something, whether it be feelings,
thoughts, or emotions.
My Learning Outcomes
At the end of the this learning discussion, I should be able to:
identify various writing styles;
differentiate imaginative writing from among other forms
of writing; and
show willingness and dedication in differentiating
imaginative writing from among other forms of writing.

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