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-Refers to your concept at some point in the
future. It’s not an optimistic version of your
future or a pessimistic version of where you’re
headed, but instead it’s as realistic as you can
possibly make it.

- is an aspect of planning
out future opportunities or occurrences that
might affect one's future.
A Real Look at Your Future Self

-What does your future self look

Time Perspectives Theory

- Explains that people are

likely to sort, categorize,
and analyze their human
experiences into past,
present and future
5 Time Perspective

1. Present- hedonistic – individuals tend to be risk takers

, driven by sensory , concrete factors , and driven by
pleasurable sensations.

2. Present- fatalistic - individuals are those who feel their

lives are our of their control and that no matter what
they do, things will not turn out as what they plan
them to be.
3. Past – positive - individuals are likely to remain
in their comfort zone, their actions influenced
by what has worked in the past.

4. Past – negative - individuals , like past-positive

ones are always anchored on the past but being
on the negative side, they tend to focus on the
wrong decisions they have made in the past and
constantly regret them.

5. Future- oriented – individuals base their present choices

and action on long-term consequenses.
Possible Self
Refers to the different
representations of the self
derive from the past and
the future.
Possible Selves Theory

1st Premise:

The possible self is both a motivational resource

and behavioral blueprint of the self
-2nd Premise :

Not all the future selves are positive.

It revolves in three ideas
1. what one might become (ought- to selves )
2. what one would like to become ( ideal or
hoped for selves
3. what one is afraid to become ( feared selves ).
3RD Premise :

-One’s future self in intertwined with his or

her past and present selves

4th Premise :

-Future possible selves are products of social

5th Premise :

Life transitions that have an enabling influence

on one’s possible self

6th Premise :

The concept of proximal and distal goals.

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