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Transition Signal

1. Muthoharoh
2. Fatih Bagus Aslamuddin
3. Dliyaudin Al-Khoyyat
What are transition signals?

• Transition signals are linking words or

phrases that connect your ideas and
add cohesion to your writing. They
signpost or indicate to the reader the
relationships between sentences and
between paragraphs, making it easier
for the reader to understand your
How are transition signals used?

Transition signals are usually placed at the start of

01 sentences; however, they may also appear in the middle or
end of sentences.

A transition signal, or the clause introduced by a transition

02 signal, is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by

You DO NOT need to use transition signals in every

03 sentence in a paragraph; however, good use of transition
words will help to make the relationship between the
ideas in your writing clear and logical.
How are transition signals
01 make it easier for the reader to follow your ideas.

create powerful links between sentences and paragraphs to

02 improve the flow of information across the whole text. The
result is that the writing is smoother.

help to carry over a thought from one sentence

03 to another, from one idea to another or from one
paragraph to another.
Which transition signals can I
• specifically • for instance

01 To introduce an example •

in this case
to illustrate

for example
one example of this

to demonstrate
on this occasion

• • in spite of • Nevertheless
• still • while
02 To introduce an opposite
idea or show exception

in contrast
on the other hand •


one could also say
but despite •
• even though yet

• Accordingly
03 To show agreement • in accordance

• specifically
• in this case
• to illustrate
Which transition signals can I
• • also • and
• furthermore
To introduce an additional • as well as • besides • one could also say
idea • in addition • moreover further
• again • equally important • and then

• after • second • simultaneously

• Eventually • third • at this time
To indicate sequence or
• last
• previously • at this point
order, or logically divide • next • followed by
• Concurrently
• ultimately
an idea • finally • Subsequently • before
• first • and then • meanwhile

• after • immediately
• finally •
• Earlier then

• prior to • before
To indicate time • previously • formerly • initially
• later • soon • thereafter
• at this point • at this time • during

• specifically
• in this case
• to illustrate
Which transition signals can I
• • another way to
likewise • whereas
07 To compare •

just like

view this
by comparison

• balanced against

• a different view is • still • Notwithstanding

• even so • however • conversely
08 To contrast •


on the contrary

on the other hand
differing from
• balanced against • unlike • in contrast

• and so • as a consequence •
09 thus
To show cause and effect • Consequently • as a result f • hence
• therefore • or this reason

• specifically
• in this case
• to illustrate
Which transition signals can I

• as a result in • to summarise
• consequently
• Conclusion • hence
• in summary

10 To summarise or conclude

as shown

to conclude

summing up
• in other words • in brief
• on the whole
• thus

• specifically
• in this case
• to illustrate

During the early twentieth century, in addition to industrialisation, urban

growth and technological development, Australian society was
experiencing a transformation of the domestic ideal. Consequently, people
were subject to an increasing array of government and professional
programs aiming to manage and regulate life, particularly family life. Some
of these programs were designed to counter social changes, others were
designed to engineer them; overall they each heralded a growing expert
encroachment into the private sphere.
Intervention and influence took three forms. Firstly, techniques
designed to maximise efficiency were introduced into the home and
scientific principles were applied to its design. Furthermore, housework
standards. Secondly, all aspects of reproduction attracted increasing
intervention from government and the medical profession. Thirdly, state,
professional and philanthropic groups began to usurp the parental role
within the family through instruction and policy. Ultimately, the development
of “modern” social ideals brought regulation, intervention and ever-
increasing unrealistic standars.

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