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Project One

Introductions and Greetings

Learning Objectives

 making introductions and greetings

 making introductions to other people in

accordance with business etiquette
Learning Focus

1. to know how to initiate a conversation master the way to establish relations

Task 1 Making self-introductions

Part 1 Discussion
1. Read the two pictures and work out

 What are they doing?

Introductions and greetings

 How are they doing?

shake hands, smile, make eye-

contact, bend body, exchange
business card

 What are they saying?

Glad to meet you

Steps for making introductions and greetings
in English

 Speaker A:
 --- Hi ! (greeting)
 My name is/ I am Meimei. ( presenting one’s name)
 Nice to meet you. (showing willingness for
the meeting)
 Speaker B:
 ---Nice to meet you, too ! (responding with showing
 My name is/ I am Linda. ( presenting one’s name )
Ways to greet each other
 Good morning! (afternoon, evening)
 How do you do? /How are you?
 Good/Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you!
 What a pleasant surprise!
 Haven’t seen you for some time.
 Long time no see!
How are you?
 How are you doing?
 How are things with you?
 How is everything (going with you)?
 How are you getting on?
 How are you keeping?
 How have you been?
Responses to greetings
 Fine, thank you. And you?
 Very well, thanks. And you?
 Not too bad, thanks.
 All right, thanks.
 Just so so.
 Same as usual.
 Not very well,I’m afraid.
 Can’t complain. (还过得去)
Part 2. Role play

Practice with partners as you are at a business

meeting, where you are strangers to each
Part 3. Demonstration
Part 4. Discussion on demonstration with
such questions:

1) Is there any room for improving ?

2) What suggestion would you make?

Part 5. To sum it up
Not only verbal devices should be
employed, non-verbal devices are also
required in self introduction, such as hand
shake, smile, bend body, offer business
card, and etc.
Part 2 Listening

1. Listen to the recording and then finish the

conversation on Page 5.

2. Useful expression:
Excuse me. Are you XXX?/ is your name XXX?
Sorry for interruption.
That’s alright.
 Task 2 Saying where you are from

Part 1. Reading

 1. Read the advertisement on the book,

and answer the following question.

 Are the statements true or false?

Suggested answer:

 1) T, 2) T, 3) F, 4) T, 5) F, 6) T, 7) T, 8) F, 9) T
Background information
 Bogota(波哥大)[′bəugətə]: capital and largest city
of Colombia, which is located in central Colombia
on a high fertile plain.
 Abu Dhabi(阿布扎比) [′æbu: ′ðæbi:]:is the capital
and second most populous city in the United Arab
Emirates(UAE) after Dubai(迪拜). One of the
world's largest producers of oil, Abu Dhabi has
actively attempted to diversify its economy in
recent years through investments in financial
services and tourism.
 Tehran (or Teheran) [teə′ræn /-′rɑ:n] is the capital
and largest city of Iran, and the administrative
center of Tehran Province. Tehran is famous for its
numerous ski resorts on the Alborz slopes, large
museums, art centers, and palace complexes.
Tehran is the largest city in the Middle East and is
the most populated city in South Western Asia with
a population of 7,404,515 and approximately 15
million in Greater Tehran.
 Brussels [′brʌslz]: is the capital of Belgium and the
administrative centre of the European Union. This
has earned the city the title of the Capital of
Europe. Brussels has been given its character by
the coexistence of French and Flemish culture,
and it is nowadays home to nationalities around
the world, adding a cosmopolitan flavour to its
atmosphere. The vibrant atmosphere of Brussels
is further enhanced by picturesque medieval
streets, lively squares, beautiful boulevards,
impressive monuments, spacious parks, cosy
cafés, interesting restaurants and an active
cultural life.
 Munich [′mju:nik]: is the capital city of
Bavaria, Germany. It is the third largest city
in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg.
There are approximately 1.35 million
inhabitants within Munich. The city's motto is
"München mag Dich" ("Munich Likes You"),
before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz"
(world city with heart)
 Kuala Lumpur [′kwɑ:lə ′lumpuə]: often
abbreviated as K.L. is the capital and the
largest city of Malaysia [mə′leiʒə].
 Harare [hə’rɑ:rei]: Harare (before 1982
known as Salisbury) is the largest city and
capital of Zimbabwe. 哈拉雷(津巴布韦首
 Amman /ɑ:′mɑ:n/ is the capital and largest
city of Jordan. It is the country's political,
cultural and commercial centre and one of
the oldest continuously inhabited cities in
the world.
 Jordan(/dʒɔ:dən/) is a kingdom on the East
Bank of the River Jordan.
 New Delhi is the capital city of India.
 Hawaii [hɑ:’waii:] is the newest of the 50 US states (August
21, 1959), and is the only U.S. state made up entirely of
islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia(中
太平洋岛群), occupying most of an archipelago in the
central Pacific Ocean, southwest of the continental United
States, southeast of Japan, and northeast of Australia.
Hawaii’s natural and diverse scenery, warm tropical climate,
abundance of public beaches and oceanic surroundings,
and active volcanoes make it a popular destination for
tourists, surfers, biologists, and volcanologists alike.
Part 2 Listening

1. First listening and match the guests’ names to the


Name Office
1)Anopow Beijing
2)Brown New Delhi
3)Hernandez Colombia
4)Singh Moscow
5)Narayan New Delhi
6)Yin Brussels
7)Pousset New York
2. Listen to the tape twice.

Suggested answer:


1) Moscow, 2) New York, 3) Colombia,

4) New Delhi, 5) New Delhi, 6) Beijing,
7) Brussels
Part 3 Role play

 Situation one:
 Suppose you are Ms/Mr Lee from Singapore.
 You have never been to Fujitsu conference before.
 Introduce yourself formally to the receptionist.

 Situation two:
 Suppose you are Ms/Mr Johnson from Chicago.
 You came to the annual conference of ABC
Company last year and met many friends at this
year’s meeting. Greet the receptionist.
 2. Demonstration and comment.
Task 3 Introducing other people

Part 1 Listening

1.Complete the conversation with the phrases in

the box.

Cream and sugar, please.

He works in Milan.
How are things?
Pleased to meet you, Mr Toncini.
Have a seat, Giovanni,
Do you know Brian Turner?
Suggested answer:
1) How are you?
2) do you know Brian Turner?
3) He works in Milan.
4) Please to meet you, Mr. Tokini.
5) Have a seat, Giovanni.
6) Cream and sugar, please.
2. Role play based on the completed
conversation on Page 8. (5’)
3. Group discussion:

Making introduction is a common practice in

business career. How can we do that?

Here are some tips:

If there are people who are different
in ages, sex, positions and etc, you
 Introduce the visited one to the visiting one first.
 Introduce the junior positioned one to the senior
one first. (向高职位者介绍低职位者)
 Introduce the younger one to the elder one first.
 (向长者介绍年幼者)
 Introduce the male to the female first.
 (先向女士介绍男士)
 After conducting introduction, the introducer
usually should find an excuse as to leave the new
acquaintances to chat.
Part 2 Language focus

 1.Study the examples in the box.

 Situation :
 Introduce Ms/Mr Smith to your sales manager,
Ms/Mr Richards who is from Sydney. Ms/Mr
Smith is from HongKong and works for the
Shanghai Bank.
Situational dialogues:
work in groups, make dialogues according to the
following situations in a proper way, and
remember to use the expressions we learnt.
Situation One:
 A kowns B and C, but B doesn’t know C. Introduce
B to C.
Situation Two:
 A kowns B but doesn’t know C. Introduce C to A.
Situation Three:
 Introduce Ms/Mr Smith to your sales manager,
Ms/Mr Richards who is from Sydney. Ms/Mr Smith
is from HongKong and works for the Shanghai
 Steps:
greeting---responding to greeting---
introducing other people---giving information
about other people---the other two
introducing each other

 In this project, we learnt:

 1. How to properly make a self introduction
as to establish a relationship.
 2. How to properly make others known each
other by an introduction.
 3. In communication, non-verbal devices are
required and important.

 1. Make dialogues according to the steps

we learnt in class.
 2. Learn all the names of countries and
cities by heart.

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