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Philosophy is the discipline concerned with questions of

how one should live (ethics); what sort of things exists and
what are their essential nature (metaphysics ); what count as
genuine knowledge (epistemology) and what are the correct
principles of reasoning (logic).
Shat Darshan-

Indian Philosophy has six darshanas called Shat Darshan.

1. Purva Mimansa
2. Vedanta
3. Nyaya
4. Vaisheshika
5. Sankhya
6. Yoga
Yoga: An Introduction

Origin – Yoga is originated from Veda,oldest scripture of

India (4000 B.C.) and systematically presented by Sage
Patanjali in Yogasutra in around 150 B.C.

Founder- Hiranyagarbha is the founder of Yoga.

Sage Patanjali – Patanjali, an Indian Sage is the compiler

of Yoga Science. He wrote ‘Yogasutra’ containing 195
verses divided into 4 chapters.
Yoga definition

According to Yogasutra of Patanjali-

“Yoga is the restraint of the activities of the mind.”
According to Bhagvad Gita –
“समत्वं योग उच्यते”
“Eveness (of mind) is Yoga”(2/48)
“ योग: कममसु कौशलम्”
“Yoga is skillfullness in action”(2/50)
Philosophy of Yoga

The Philosophy of Yoga present the world as an illusion

(Maya) . According to Yoga philosophy there is only one
SELF- infinite, unchanging and formless i.e. Brahma and the
main focus should be to establish a union between individual
and universal SELF which can ultimately bring liberation from
all pain and suffering.

OBJECT Mirror Image

(Brahma) (Maya) (Jeeva)

Yoga Sutra

•Text written by Patanjali on the theory and practice of

Yoga with greater emphasis on practice .
•Written in the SUTRA- Aphoristic form of short,sharp
and clear statements.
•Consists of 4 chapters and 195 Aphorisms -

1. Samadhi Pada – chapter on meditation

2. Sadhana Pada – chapter on practice
3. Vibhooti Pada – chapter on powers or siddhis
4. Kaivalya Pada – chapter on realisation or liberation.
Aim of Yoga-

‘chitta vritti nirodha’

Types of Chitta(mind)-

a) Mudha – Mind is dull and listess

b)Ksipta – Person is highly agitated and unable to think
,listen or keep quiet.
c) Viksipta – Mind receives information but unable to
process as it oscillates in confusion.
d)Ekagra- Mind is relaxed but not sleepy; prerequisite
to meditation.
e) Nirodha- Mind is not distracted by random thought;
occur in meditation.
Klesha of Chitta – There are 5 klesha of
chitta –
Modification of chitta
Astanga Yoga
Education according to Yoga –

• Education should be mixture of Purusa and Prakriti

Aims- Sadhya Uddhesya

Sadhna Uddhesya

1. Samadhi Pada – chapter on meditation

2. Sadhana Pada – chapter on practice
3. Vibhooti Pada – chapter on powers or siddhis
4. Kaivalya Pada – chapter on realisation or liberation.

Method of teaching-

I. Sutra method
II. Lecture method
III. Pratyaksha method
IV. Analysis and synthesis method
V. Sravan,Manana,Niddhidhyasanam.
VI. Practice and activity method

Discipline- Discipline to attain Nirvana.

Sharma , Chandradhar ; A Critical Survey of
Indian Philosophy(2003)

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