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Group 6
1. Marlin Manu
2. Evelin Avelina Geme
3. Maria R.J. Lamak
4. Maria Gisela Obe
5. Maria Mechtildis Teku
Definition Antenal Care

Antenatal Care is pregnancy check

performed to monitor the condition of the mother
fetus on a regular basis followed by corrections to
the storage found . According to Maternal Neonatal
Health, antenatal care is a routine procedure
performed by officers (doctors/ midwives/ nurse)
in fostering a relationship in the process of service
to pregnant woman preparition for delivery. By
providing good anteanatal care wiil be one of the
pillars off support in safe moterhood in an effort to
reduce morbidity and maternal mortality
Objectives Of Antenatal Care

Monitor the progres pregnancy to ensure

maternal health and fetal development .
Improve and maintain physical, and
social health of mother and baby .
Get to know early on the complications
that may occur during pregnancy,
including, a history of general disability
midwifery and surgery.
the mother for the normal postpartum period
and exclusive breastfeeding .
Preparing the role of mother and family in
receiving the birth of a babby so that it can
grow and development normally.
Reducing maternal and perinatal morbidity and
Prepare for full therm labor,safely deliver the
mother and baby with minimal trauma.
Benifits of antenatal care

Detect as early possible the risk factors and

early signs of complications in pregnancy,
such as bleeding and preeclampsia
Providing education to pregnant women about
nutritional problems, prepation for labor , and
the possibility of labor complications.
10 T Standards Antenatal Care
1) Weight and height measure,this measurement
is done to monitor the development of the
body of pregnant women.
2)Blood pressure checks, blood pressure are
always done routinely.normal blood pressure is
100/90-120/90mmHg. If more it pregnancy
disordes such as pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
can threarten pregnancy because of high.
3). High Uterine fundus, exmination the purpose
of the uterine peak exmination is to determine
the gestasional age. The height of the top of
uterus in centimeters (cm) will be adjusted to
the week of gestational age. Normal
measremeants are expected according to the
funds sizechart according to the gestational age
and tolerence for size differences.
4) Tetanus immunization screening and tetanus toxoid
immunization screning immunazation must be
preceded by screaning to find out the dose and
immunization status of tetanus toxoid that have
previosly obtained . TT immunization is quite
effective if done at least 2 times with a distance of 4
5) Provision of iron tablets in general, iron will be given
a minim of 90 tablets and a maximm of one tablet
every day during pregnancy. Avoid taking iron tablets
with coffee or tea so as not to interfere with
6) Determine nutritional status, this measurement
is one way to detect early malnutrition dring
pregnancy. If the lack of nutrition , nutrient
distribution to the fets will be reduced and result
in stunted growth is also the potential for babies
born with low weight.
7) Laboratory test s, laboratory test s consist of
examing hemoglobin, HIV test ing as well as
other sexually transmitted diseases, and rapid
tests for malaria . Better handling is certainly
very beneficial for the process of pregnancy.
8) Determine fetal presentation and fetal heart
rate (DJJ), the purpose of this examination is
to monitor , detect, and avoid risk factors for
prenatal death caused by hypoxia, growth
disorders, congenital defects, and infections.
The heart rate test itself can usually be done
at 16 week’s gestation.
9) Case management, entitled to health facility
that has competent health personnel, as well
as adeqate equipment for further treatment in
a raferral hospital. If something happens that
can endanger that pregnancy ,receive an offer
to immediately get the case management .
10) Meeting talks , are held at each visit.
Usally, it can take the form of consltations,
raferral preparitions and history taking which
inclde biodata information, menstrual history,
health, pregnancy, childbirth, and others
Visit 1 : 16 weeks
 Screening and treatment of anemia
 Childbirth planning
 Introduction of complication due to pregnancy
Visit 2 : 24 – 28 weeks & visist 3 : 32 weeks
 recognition of complications due to pregnancy an
 Screening of preeclamsia, gemelli, infection of
reproductive organs and urinary tract
 Repeat delivery planning
Visit 4 : 36 weeks – last visist
Same as the II and III visist activities
Recognize the prensence of abnormalities and
Strengthen the birth plan

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