Entrepreneur Characteristics

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Common Characteristics of

Successful Entrepreneurs
 Motivation is a key characteristic that you will find in
every successful entrepreneur because you have to be
willing to put in the work to get your business to the
place you want it to be at.

Motivation &
Dedication  Dedication, alongside motivation is also very
important because you to be motivated to work at your
business, but you also need to be putting the necessary
amount of time as well.
 Most successful entrepreneurs in todays society are
very smart individuals. Being smart is important for
running a business because you to know how to start,
grow and maintain the business you create.

Smart & Ethical

 Being ethical is a very good characteristic to have
when being an entrepreneur because you should know
when and what you are spending your money on and if
it is helping you grow or maintain your business.
 Entrepreneurs need to be at least a little bit inventive.
The more inventive an entrepreneur is, the more
unique and possibly more needed the product will be.
Its very important for your product to be unique and not
like everyone else’s.

Inventive &
Creative  All entrepreneurs should posses a high level of
creativity, the product and how you market it should be
done creatively and unique to make the product stand
out more.
 Being convincing is a very useful skill to have
especially in the case of entrepreneurship. Marketing
nowadays is very difficult to entice people to your
product. If you can be very convincing and can make
your product stand out to a lot of people, then it will
benefit your business greatly.

Convincing &
Leadership  Entrepreneurs are also known as owners of the business
that they created. An entrepreneur that has good
leadership will see an increase in there employees
work ethic and will significantly benefit the growth of
the business.
 Owning a business and being the creator of a product
means that it is essential to be confident about your
product, what it does and about how you promote it.

Confident & Hard

Working  Running, managing and owning a business is not an
easy task. There is a substantial amount of work that has
to be put in just to get it started, let alone maintaining it.
Having a strong work ethic and being hard working is
definitely a requirement when it comes to
 Running a business and having that product means that
you are going to be spending a lot of time around the
product and in that business environment. To not get
bored or start disliking what you are doing, you have to
have a passion for what you are doing and what your
trying to accomplish.

Passionate &
Active  Usually entrepreneurs are always on the go. Also when
they are not working on there business, they usually are
doing something active to balance out there day.
 Being an owner of business means that you are
compete for sales against other business’. To be
successful and make your product have an edge over
others means you have to have that competitive spirit.

Competitive &
Resilience  Being a business owner means you will run into
challenges and things that will be difficult and you may
not succeed every time. Having resilience and pushing
through those challenges and hard times is essential for
having a successful business.
 All successful entrepreneurs have that visionary aspect
in some form. They do not start a business in the
opportunity that they find only to improve their own
lives. They start a business to improve lives of their
customer and/or the environment, and if they succeed
Visionary in this improvement, they will also improve their own
lives. Also being visionary helps find different
opportunities to grow and expand on your existing

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