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Group Assignment

Brief about the assignment
• This is a group assignment that carries 30%
• There would be 3 submission – each submission
carries 10 marks
• 1st submission – at the end of 7th Session of VEM
• 2nd submission – at the end of 9th session of VEM
• 3rd Submission – at the end of 10th Session of VEM
• Refer to the note on developing ethical reasoning
while working on the assignment
• Contact the instructor in case of any query
• Plagiarized submission will attract “zero” marks
1st submission- Description of Ethical
Dilemma (maximum 1000 words)
• Present the background leading to the ethical
• Is there any precedent ?
• Frame the ethical dilemma
• Identify the stakeholders
• Assess the impact on stakeholders (both
positive and negative for all alternatives)
• What actually happened?
2nd Submission- evaluate the decision
taken (maximum 800 words)
• Report the decision taken
• Evaluate the decision taken
– Read the note on “developing ethical reasoning”

• Confirm your stand on the issue with

3rd Submission- counter-argument and
learning (maximum -800 words)
• Build a counter-argument to your stand on the
ethical problem.
• Elaborate the counter argument (refer to the
note on ethical reasoning)

• Write at least 250 words on your learning

from the assignment

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