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Shaiheim Henry-Ovid

Baucis of Invisible Cities

Influence maps

This is my interior influence map which As I am not used to stilts I created an exterior influence
helped me to create an authentic church, as I map of natural woodland like places to not make Baucis
considered factors I would need to make my look industrial like the urban city, and these ideas made
church feel like a church. me change my normal approach when it came to scenery,
so it was helpful.
Environmental research

Buildings were a very key part in my designs, so to help me nail the best ones for
Schools and Churches I drew multiple versions of them, combining my unique touch
with the reference so that I can make something that fits a stilt based world as all the
references I found were all based on cement and other stable structures, I made
many designs to not restrict myself in anyway.
My final 3 digital paintings
After feedback and support I reworked my digital paintings, removing excessive
lighting and shading, re reading my text and noticing that there is no water God in
Baucis and choosing to make my world look modern instead of a mix of cultural and
industrial .
Fundamental thumbnails
Previous concept for my church
Previous concept for my school
Previous concept for my woodlands

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