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Essentials of Oral Communication helps us to:

- express yourself clearly and confidently

- gain respect of other people
- achieve your goals

Oral communication is also important because it makes you become an

effective leader:

- One who is able to

(1) listen attentively to identify the conveyed meaning
(2) collaborate with others
(3) use critical thinking and problem solving skills
(4) give appropriate feedback
(5) converse with others of different backgrounds
Essentials of Oral Communication helps us to:

- express yourself clearly and confidently

- gain respect of other people
- achieve your goals

Oral communication is also important because it makes you become an

effective leader:

- One who is able to

(1) listen attentively to identify the conveyed meaning;
(2) collaborate with others;
(3) use critical thinking and problem solving skills;
(4) give appropriate feedback;
(5) converse with others of different backgrounds

To inform
- Seek to provide the audience with clear understanding of the concept
or idea presented by the speaker.

To entertain
- Seek to provide the audience with entertainment; humorous speeches

To persuade

- Seek to provide the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas that

can influence their own ideas and decisions.
Methods of delivery:

Manuscript Memorized

Impromptu Extemporaneous
1. Observe ethically sound goals
- Avoid criticizing your teachers, family, friends, and other people or
promoting mass destruction, for instance, hacking.

2. Prepare all the time

- Full responsibility to yourself and to your audience

3. Tell the truth

- Be accurate with your sources and data

4. Be sensible and sensitive

- Your audience come from different backgrounds, so as much as possible,
respect their identity, affiliation, religion, beliefs, values, preferences, and

a. attention getter (p.88-89/Barrot, 2018)

-quotation - anecdote
-proverb - rhetorical question
-parable - dramatic statement

b. Relevance of the topic to the audience/ speaker’s credibility

II. Body

a. Main idea 1
- supporting detail 1
- supporting detail 2
b. Main idea 2
- supporting detail 1
- supporting detail 2

c. Main idea 3
- supporting detail 1
- supporting detail 2

III. Conclusion
- Closure (letting your audience know that you are about to end
your speech)
- Summary
- call to action
- powerful closing statement
Organizational Pattern for Persuasive Speech

1. A. F .O. R. E. S. T (anecdotes, facts and figures, opinion, rhetorical questions,

emotive language, superlatives, tripling)

Here’s how: (1) Begin your speech with a personal story, observation, or
experience; (2) Provide striking statistics that can support your ideas; (3) Add in
your opinion.

You may start with .. “I believe that… ,”

(4) Think of engaging rhetorical questions; (5) Use emotional appeal; (6) Use
superlatives to exaggerate an idea
Organizational Pattern for Persuasive Speech

For example:

a. Purpose: To persuade the listeners that over the years, the

death penalty is unjustifiable.

b. Main Point: There is no reason for the state to revive death

Organizational Pattern for Persuasive Speech

c. Philippines still has problems with the justice system. In

fact, the article of Philippine Star columnist Delon Porcall,
indicated that President Noynoy Aquino acknowledged it:
“Aquino said that the country’s justice system is far from
perfect, citing cases of innocent people found guilty of
crimes they did not commit only because they were unable
to hire good lawyers.”
Anecdote 1. My father died of lethal years ago.
1.1 He’s a victim of this unjust society; he was
killed for a crime that has never did.

Facts and Figures 2. When RA 7659 or the Death Penalty Law

was still active, six out of 10 innocent
people had become victims.

Opinion 2.1 Reviving the law is unjustifiable.

Rhetorical 2.2 If that law would be removed,
Question sure are we that no more innocent men
and women would become victims?

Emotive Language 2.3 We are a nation that values life and

thinks that everyone deserves chances to
change and live for their families.
Superlatives 2.4 Think, we will only support the
revival of this law, if you could
revive the life of innocents grave.

Tripling 2.5 Think. Think. Think

Persuasive Speech on Death Penalty
Comprehension Check

I. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

____1. Anecdotes are inappropriate support for the message of the speech.
____2. Campaign speeches can have multiple purposes (to inform, to entertain or to
____3. Ethical standards are necessary when one delivers his/her speech to gain
____4. Eye contact, audience rapport, and other non-verbal cues are insignificant in
memorized speech.
____5. If you can communicate well with others, you will most likely become a better
Comprehension Check (continuation)

____6. In you introduction, you need to state the relevance of your speech.
____7. Inexperienced public speakers have no other way to improve their
____8. It is a must that you let your audience know that you are ending
your speech.
____9. Major components of a speech include the introduction, body, and
attention getter.
____10. Some people think that speaking in public can be very frightening
and frustrating.
Some Useful Tips in Delivering an Oral Presentation
True or False
1.Visualize yourself delivering an excellent speech.
2.Emphasize the relevance of your speech to your audience.
3.Clearly explain your objectives at the start of your presentation.
4.Use multimedia in your presentation. However, have a back-up plan in
case of a technical glitch.
5.Have a bottle of water for yourself.
6. Do not overload your visual aids (i.e., PPT) with text. In many cases,
images are more effective to emphasize your point.
7. If your situation permits, arrive earlier than the members of your
audience and warmly greet them as they enter the venue.
8. Dress professionally. Your attire should be equal to or one level
higher than that of the audience.
9. Do not read your visual aids, explain them.
10. Include real-life experiences when presenting ideas.
11. Never apologize for your materials or credentials as a presenter.
12. Maintain eye contact and use natural gestures.
13. If your situation permits, occasionally move from one location to another.
14. Repeat the question of a member of the audience if you feel that not all have
heard or understood it.
15. Allow enough time for questioning. Listen carefully before answering the
16. Know the set-up of the presentation venue.
17. Do not be defensive. Be honest to acknowledge what do not know.
Comprehension Check

I. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if the statement is

____1. An oral presentation does not require practice.
____2. An oral presentation is best delivered by reading the printed copy of
the speech.
____3. An oral presentation is exclusively done in a face-to-face setting.
____4. An oral presentation may be used to persuade or inform the target
____5. Fighting back at a hostile audience is acceptable.
____6. Saying sorry is an effective way to start the oral presentation.
Comprehension Check (continuation)

I. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if the statement is

____7. The audience should be allowed to speak extensively even if the topic
is not related to your presentation.
____8. The most important component of an oral presentation is audience
____9. The visual aids should contain lengthy texts.
____10. You should repeat orally the content of your visual aids.

Up next: Persuasive video

Comprehension Check

1. How did the speaker start his speech?

2. Why did he choose such topic?

3. What are his main points?

4 How did he end his speech?

5. Has he met the purpose of his speech?

Persuasive Speech (Rubric)

Content - 50%
-Intro, Body (research base), Conclusion

Delivery - 50%
- clarity of voice
-appropriate gestures
-convincing tone
Persuasive Speech (Format)

- Legal size bond paper

- 1.5 spacing
- Bookman old style, 12 font size

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