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Illuminati of India:

Legend of the
“Unknown Nine”
There’s a certain allure to the idea
that behind the scenes of our
everyday life there are powerful
forces at work pulling the strings,
privy to knowledge,& with access to
ancient secrets.
One such alleged secret society
concerns a shadowy group of nine
mysterious men, formed in ancient
India & charged with guarding ancient
secrets. These are ‘Nine Unknown
This society was formed shortly after
the end of Kalinga war by Emperor
Ashoka. The war started in 265BCE &
ended in 262BCE. Ashoka’s superior
& large forces were like plague on
land of Kalinga. Both the sides lost
about 1 lakh soldiers. This war
transformed Chandashoka into
He became a Buddhist monk & he
travelled many countries preaching
about Buddhism. Ashoka summoned
nine most brilliant minds of India at
that time. Nothing was ever revealed
about these nine people & these nine
men formed a group.
These nine people were entrusted
with advanced knowledge which
wasn’t revealed to the world because
people could misuse it.
It is also believed that those nine
made themselves immortal by that
advanced knowledge to guard this
secret science.
The nine unknown have nine books
each. First book deals with
psychological warfare, the science of
manipulating minds of mass number
people using spells. Second deals
with human physiology which also
involves killing a person with a mere
touch. Third is microbiology. Fourth
deals with alchemy & transmutation of
metals. Fifth one deals with
communication. Maybe it involves
communication with extraterrestrial
creatures. Sixth one deals with gravity
& Aerospace technology. Seventh one
deals with cosmology. It’s believed
that this book also tells how to do time
travelling. Eighth one talks about light
& how to use it as a weapon.
The ninth one deals with sociology. It
involves foretelling decline of the
society. All these seem to be similar to
Atharvaveda. Although Atharvaveda
has nothing about time travelling but
it has charms, spells & techniques in it
to manipulate this materialistic world.
But alas the way to use those
rituals, spells, charms & techniques
has been lost in the maze of time.
But there was a time when Indians knew
science which was far more advanced
than modern science. For e.g. the science
of consecrating idols which could fulfill
any wish related to the purpose for which
they were consecrated.
One such idol was shivling of Jageshwar
temple. But Adi Shankaracharya lessened
its power because people misused it.

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