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Jesus never died

on Jewish cross
but in India The world
believes that Christ died on Jewish cross.
But I’d reveal to you something which’ll
force you to think if you all know the truth.
It’s a lesser known fact that Jesus
never died on the cross. It takes at
least 48hours for a person to die on
the Jewish cross; & there have been
cases in which people who were
tortured on that cross survived for
six days. Jesus was taken down
from the cross after only six hours.
It was a great planning of two
disciples of Christ to crucify him as
late as possible on Friday- because
on Saturday Jews have Sabbath &
they should keep themselves away
from violence.
The arrangement was such that
Christ was crucified in late
afternoon, so that before sunset he
could be brought down. He was
unconscious because lot of blood
flowed out of the body but he wasn’t
dead. His body was kept in a cave
so that he could be crucified again
after Sabbath but his disciples
stole his body. He was taken far
away from Judea & after getting
fully healed Christ moved to
Kashmir & lived a long life.
The one who has visited Jewish
will find similarities in Kashmir &
Jewish land. It’s believed that Jesus
came to Kashmir because
Kashmiris are descendants of the
‘Lost Ten Tribes’ of Israel
mentioned in the Old Testament.
Those tribes were never seen after
Jesus’s body was stolen from the
cave. Many places in Kashmir have
biblical names such as Har Nevo,
Beit, Peor, Pisgah & Heshubon.
The tribal groups who reside in
Kashmir are also similar to those of
the Old Testament. The Ashreya
tribe, Dand tribe, Gada tribe, Lavi
tribe which are similar to Asher,
Dan, Gad & Lavi tribe from the Old
Testament respectively.
Most of the things about Jesus is
unknown. The reason is ignorance
of the westeners.
It’s believed that the prophet of
Hebrews who was also the brother
of Ramses( Pharaoh of Egypt)
Moses also lived in Kashmir & died
there. There’re two graves in
Kashmir which neither of western
style nor Indian but is similar to
middle eastern style. But the
graves aren’t in direction of Mecca
so there’s no possibility that
they’re Muslim graves. Maybe
Jesus & Moses really lived in India
hiding their identity.

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