Language Testing Assessing Listening: By: Nina Zulfa Duwi Meilisah Singgih Agustiawan

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Language Testing

Assessing Listening
By: Nina zulfa
Duwi meilisah
Singgih agustiawan
Assesing listening

 There are two interacting concepts of performance and

abservation. All language users perform the acts of
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They of course
focuses rely on their underlining competence in order to
accomplish these performance.
 Listening is receptive skill so we can observe neither the process of
performing nor the product. The process of the listening itself is the invisible,
in audible process of internalizing meaning from the auditory signals being
transmitted to the ear and brain.
 The product of the listening and reading is not the
spoken or written response. the product is within the
structure of the brain.
Basic Types Of Listening

 listening has often played second fiddle to its

counterpart, speaking. As with all effective tests,
designing appropriate assessment taks in listening begins
with the specification of objectives or criteria
The following process flash through
your brain
 We recognize speech sounds and hold a temporary “imprint” of
them in short- term memory.

 Simultaneusly determine the type of speech event (monologue,

interpersonal dialogue, traditional dialogue) that is being processed
and attend to its context (who the speaker is, location, purpose)
and the content of the messege.
 Linguistic decoding skills and background schemata to
bring a plausible interpretation to the messege and
assign a literal and intended meaning to utterance.

 In most cases (except for repetition tesks, which involved

short term memory only).
Types of Listening Performence

 Intensive: listening for the perception of the

components (phonemes words, intonation, and disourse
markers)of a larger stretch of language

 Responsive: listening to relatively short stretch of

language ( a greeting, question, command,
comprehentioncheck) in order to make an equally short
 Selective: processing stretches of discourse such as short
monologue for several minutes in order to “scan” for
certain information.

 Extensive: listening to develop a top down , global

understanding osf spoken language.
Listening Type
1. Extensive Listening is way to practice your English Listening skills. It means
listening to many different recordings,vidios and interviews about the same
topic .
 A. Multiple choice or objective response is a form of an objective assessment in
which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered
as a list.
Mrs. Rossy : Good afternoon, students.
Students : Good afternoon, Ma’am.
Mrs. Rossy : Well, I cannot teach you this afternoon. I have a meeting with the
Students : That is alright. We will study by ourselves, Ma’am.
The underlined utterance is an expression of …
a. Greeting
b. Leave-taking
c. Introduction
d. Prohibition
B. Short Answer Question are open ended questions that require students to
create an answer. They are commonly used in examinations to assess the
basic knowledge and understanding of a topic

create an Dear Hanna,

Congratulations on your success on the speech competition. I believe you can win.
You are the best and I am proud of you.
Nita Febriani

19. What kind of text is it?

 C. Transfer Information Technique is the activities where students take the
information they heard, oor read from the passages that presented into
different froms in small amount of writing such as chart,table and graph.
Focuses primarily on brief listening execise. While they usually only take a few minutes
they offer focused intense practice.

A) Oral by teacher
Once upon a time,
a lion was sleeping under a tree.
A little mouse jumped on him.
The lion woke up, picked up the mouse,
and opened his mouth to eat him.
“I’m sorry to wake you up.
Please don’t eat me.
I can help you one day.” said the mouse.
“That’s funny! Okay, I’ll let you go.” said the lion.
Later, a hunter’s net fell on the lion.
The lion couldn’t get out.
The mouse saw the lion and ran to help.
The mouse helped the lion get out!
“You are a little mouse, but you are a big help.
Thank you!” said the lion.
 B) Listening recall
Listening the dialogue complete the dialogue with the best words
 At an airport
Michael stuart : Mr.Naibaho?
Omar Naibaho : Yes, that’s me.
Michael stuart : _______sir,___________,__________mike
omar naiboha :___________too
Michael stuart :_________sir,___________
Omar naiboha : oh it was fine,____________last time I got here. my plane was
delayed for two hours. This time, everything was just fine.
Michael Stuart : ________This way, sir.

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