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Dudiki Yamini

Using peaceful means rather than

force by group especially to bring
about political or social change.
Works under the principle of “reform, rather
than revolution”

Various tactics:

consciousness raising, tax resistance, civil

disobedience, boycotts, marches and protest in
form of art, music, poetry etc.
The groups and organizations across
different countries

Amnesty International
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
Transparency International and
All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) etc.
They fight for various causes

Human rights movements

Anti- war and nuclear movements
Environmental movements
Gender related movements
Anti capitalist movements
Farmers movements and
Anti corruption movements etc.
Influenced by

• process of modernization

• Post modern approach

 The impact of Technology

Reasons for failure

•ruthless suppression of the movement

•widespread apathy and few take it

seriously and it does not develop
enough power to force its program on

A less obvious form of success is the

institutionalization of the values or some part of
them without a transfer of authority to the

ex: U.S Socialist Party

Sometimes the social movement itself is

institutionalized by being accorded authority as
the legitimate custodian of the new values

Ex: American labor movement of the early 20th

century and the Congress Party of India after
British rule ended.
Impact on the stability of political setting

Some movements organises themselves for a particular

in a limited sphere.
Have indirect impact in stability
Ex: human rights movements, farmers movements, anti
corruption movements.

Some movements have direct impact

Ex: The movements of Tunisia (Jasmine revolution),
Georgia (Rose revolution), Black Lives Matter and
Women’s movements etc.

Influences Elections
The Any government fears for a movement
using non-violent tactics as much as it fears
one using violent tactics—because any large
scale movement using tactics of any kind is a
threat to governments that rely on the apathy
of the somnambulant public

Inflicting punishments to those who

adopted non violent movements are
comparatively less to violent mode.

These movements reflect the level

of knowledge, understanding and
the interest in political matters
among people. They also acts
socialising agents of political affairs
and helps us to analyse the level of
political behaviour in a country.
“We are here, not because we are law-breakers;
We are here in our efforts to become law-makers.”

- Emmeline Pankhurst

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