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Toshiba needs to develop marketing mix strategies to achieve

its desired results within the market that it serves. By

developing strategies that address the various aspects of each
element, Toshiba will be able to achieve its broad marketing
strategy. An analysis of the 7 elements of the marketing mix
and recommended strategies among each for Toshiba are as
• Toshiba sells its products under 5 broad categories, and each of these serves as separate product
lines. All of its products are sold under the brand name of Toshiba.
• Toshiba sells products with a lot of variety available, which allows customers to select the product
variety that best suits them.
• Toshiba sells products that are highly differentiated, with various features offered to customers that
competitors don’t offer. Its products are therefore considered to be unique.
• Its products are perceived to be of higher quality than that of competitors. Therefore, customers are
willing to pay a higher price for these.
• Toshiba sells products that are famous for its traditional design that is also practical for customers to
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• Recommended Product Strategy for Toshib
• Toshiba should extend additional benefits for purchasing its products
that include warranties, delivery and credit, after-sales service,
helpline services etc.
• It should introduce new products that are in line with the latest trends
in the market. It should identify opportunities within the market and
introduce new products that make use of these opportunities.
• It should test newly introduced products in test markets before going
for full commercialization of these.
• It should introduce widen its product portfolio, offering new product
lines to fulfill customer needs.
• Toshiba should improve its product packaging such that it is more
convenient to transport and use. Its packaging should also be visually
appealing so that customers are attracted to it.
• The current pricing strategy to set the price level that Toshiba follows is a competitive
based pricing strategy. This is because the data on competitors is easily available due to
a large number of competitors that exists within the industry.
• It also takes costs into consideration to set prices for a few products for which either
information is not available on competitors, or are costlier to make,
• Toshiba sells its products at a higher price than competitors. This is because it offers more
features, and the high price makes up for these.
• It currently uses product bundle pricing as well, where products are bundled together and
sold at prices lower than the total of individual items.
• It also uses an optional product pricing strategy for certain products, where it offers a
price for the base product and separate prices for the accessories that come along with it.
• It charges a greater price for the products it sells online. This is because delivery costs
have been included in the price of the product.
• Toshiba has fixed the prices of the final product. Channel members; retailers and
wholesalers, buy the product at a lower price and earn through their own margins.
• Toshiba should introduce discounts and allowances, where it
lowers prices for a short period of time in order to attract
customers and gain market share. It can do this by reducing a
percentage off the price of its products.
• Toshiba should use psychological pricing where it prices
products so that they seem to be lower; for example, it can
price a product worth $100 as $99 as people would consider
this to be lower.
• Toshiba should introduce new products with a price penetration
strategy where it offers an initial lower price than competitors
to gain market share. This will ensure that new products that are
introduced are used by and become more popular than that of
• Toshiba sells its products through two marketing channels. The first is where it
sells directly to its customer through its online website. The second is where it
sells to wholesalers who then sell to different retailers located all over the
country. These then sell to its customers.
• Toshiba has its products present on over 500 retailers throughout the country.
It follows an intensive marketing strategy where it tries to include its products
on as many retailers as possible. This ensures that its products are available
to customers easily in different parts of the country.
• Toshiba has a substantial amount of online sales with frequent traffic on its
websites. In order to run its online operations, Toshiba has partnered with
numerous delivery service providers in order to provide timely deliveries.
• It follows an omni-channel distribution system where it has integrated its
online and offline stores to allow customers easy access to its products.
• Toshiba has a network of over 500 suppliers that provide it with the raw
materials needed for production. It has developed a close working
relationship with its suppliers allowing the company to work with them to
innovate and introduce new and attractive features on its products.
• Toshiba uses multiple media channels to promote its products.
• It uses traditional media, which includes an advertisement
• on television and radio. This is beneficial due to its large
• reach and ability to attract a large number of people. It uses online and
social media advertising, which is cheaper and beneficial due to the
increasing usage of the internet.
• It advertises on various social media platforms with a focus on YouTube,
Facebook and Twitter due to the high monthly usage of these. It has over one
hundred thousand likes or customer following on these pages, which are
exposed to frequent content uploaded by Toshiba.
• Toshiba undergoes various sales promotion taking part in various trade
exhibitions and events around the year.
• Toshiba undergoes personal selling, with a large sales force to increase its
presence in retail stores.
• Toshiba uses a percentage of sales method to determine the promotions
budget for the year.
• Toshiba has people working under its sales
• team that play a vital role in its marketing
• efforts. These people have been trained in
• persuasive techniques, but also to show respect to the business customers
taking into consideration their preferences.
• Toshiba has people working in its customer service department. These are
contacted by customers in case of any issues within the product, and these
people guide customers through the process of getting the issues resolved.
These people are trained to respect the customers and try their best to get
their issues resolved.
• Toshiba has people working with suppliers to obtain raw materials. These
people play a vital role in maintaining or improving the quality of the final
product produced.
• Toshiba has people working at retail stores who help the customer on site, by
answering any questions or helping them decide the product that best suits
their needs.
• Toshiba to make sure that its products are
• always available at retail stores has systems
• installed where retailers can notify when their
• inventory levels are low. Toshiba provides them with more products
while ordering its productions to replenish its stock. This ensures that
products are always available to customers when needed.
• Toshiba has an online delivery process, where orders are received in
the computer system and based on these orders, the relevant product
from the inventory is shipped to the delivery service provider.
• Toshiba is actively involved in researching market opportunities in
order to understand customer needs. It also develops understanding
regarding customer needs through feedback collected at store, its
helpline or social media pages.
• Toshiba sells its products in a distinct color packaging
• that easily identifiable on retail shelves.
• These are placed on special shelves provided by the company, which
also have a distinct color and design. This makes it easier for
customers to locate such shelves in busy retail stores.
• Toshiba has an online website that is user-friendly and allows
customers to view its products in high quality images taken from
various angles.
• Recommended Physical Evidence Strategy for Toshiba
• Toshiba should collect feedback from its customers regarding its
packaging so that it could improve on this.
• Toshiba should set up its own stores where it provides a shopper-
friendly environment and ambience, encouraging its customers to
purchase its products.

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