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Hospitals as health care facilities have a highly strategic
role in promoting Indonesian public health. Governments have
been conscientious and constantly seeking to improve the
quality of promoting, preventive, curative, and rehabilitation of
good service.
According to the association of hospital care that
hospitals are a community health care center, medical education
and research are organized.
Hospitals are a high-complexity organization.
People working in the hospital come from both the
health and non-health professions. These
professionals have to shine to each other in their
roles, work together and understand each other's
roles and functions for the same purpose, provide for
the patient and achieve actualization of each
Nurse or nurse came from the Latin something
called nutrix which means caring for or nurturing.

nurse is someone who plays a role in nursing or

nurturing, assisting and protecting someone through
sickness, injury and aging change.
Nurse duty
the nurse's duties in fulfilling her role as nurse's
nurse can be performed in accordance with the stages
of the nursing process.
• Gathering data
• Analyze and transmit data
• Developing a nursing plan of action
• Using and applying concepts and principles of behavioral
science, social culture, biometrics in the implement of nursing
care in order to meet KDM
• Sets a criteria that can be measured in assessing a nursing plan
• Assessing our rate of accomplishment.
• Identifying the changes needed.
Fungsi perawat

• Independent functions refer to independent functions

and not dependent on others, in which nurses perform
their duties by their own choice.
• The dependent function is a nurse's role in carrying out
the activities of the message or instruction of another
• The interdependent function is carried out in
interdependent team groups between one team and
the other
 The patient-psychiatrist relationship.

• A patient in a situation is purposeful. A nurse giving care also

has a specific purpose. The condition at which patients are
facing determines the role of caregiver to patients (Husted
and Husted, 2006).
• In the context of the nurse's relationship with the patient, the
nurse can act asa counselor when the patient expresses his
illness and feelings.
• Nurses may also serve as substitutes for a parent (especially
for a child patient), a sibling, ora friend for a patient in
expressing his or her feelings.
C. Hospital management
Hospital management's understanding isa
coordination between resources through planning,
organization, and the ability to control a goal.

The goal of hospital management is as follows:

• Setting up resources
• Evaluate effectiveness
• Set the service function
• Efficiency
• Quality
In order to perform patient-oriented service,
and to maintain the necessary quality of service with
reliable management, and thus everything necessary
will be available in the form:
• Exactly the amount
• Punctual
• Right on target
The hospital's environmental management is
not static management, but something dynamic that
requires adaptation or adjustments in hospital
changes, including resources, hospital processes and
activities, as well as changes outside the hospital,
such as changing laws and knowledge through
technological development.

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