Session 11

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Quantified Propositions
Quantifiers: For all ( x) ,
There exists ( x)
4 Quantified
Rules of Inference for Quantified Propositions
Fundamental Rule 5: (Universal Specification)
If a statement of the form x, P(x) is assumed to be true,
then the universal quantifier can dropped to obtain P(c) is true
for an arbitrary object c in the universe.
x, P(x)
therefore P(c) for all c

Example: all men are mortal

proposition: x is mortal
then we conclude that Socrates is mortal
Rules of Inference for Quantified Propositions
Fundamental Rule 6: (Universal Generalization)
If a statement P(c) is true for each element ‘c’ of the universe,
then the universal quantifier may be prefixed to obtain
x, P(x). In symbols

P(c) for all c

therefore x, P(x)

Fundamental Rule 7: (Existence Specification)

If x, P(x) is assumed to be true, then there is an element
c in the universe such that P(c) is true.
In symbolic notation x, P(x)
therefore P(c) for some c
Rules of Inference for Quantified Propositions
Fundamental Rule 8: (Existence Generalization)
If P(c) is true for some element c in the universe, then x, P(x),
is true. In symbols
P(c) for some c

therefore x, P(x)
8 Fundamental Rules:

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