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Mix Design


• Concrete Mix Design means, determination of
the proportion of the concrete ingredients i.e.
Cement, Water, Fine Aggregate, Coarse
Aggregate which would produce concrete
possessing specified properties such as
workability, strength and durability with
maximum overall economy.
Types of Concrete Mixes
1. Nominal Mixes –
• These mixes are of fixed cement-aggregate ratio.
• These offer simplicity and under normal circumstances.
• Have a margin of strength above that specified.
2. Standard Mixes –
• The minimum compressive strength has been included
by IS-456:2000 in many specifications. These mixes are
termed standard mixes.
• E.g.: M10, M15, M20, etc.
3. Designed Mixes -
• In these mixes the performance of the concrete is
specified by the designer but the mix proportions are
determined by the producer of concrete, except that the
minimum cement content can be laid down.
Mix Design
(IS 10262 - 2009)
Step1 Target Mean Strength
Standard Deviation
Assumptions in Standard deviation
Selection of Mix Proportion
Clause 4.1
• Selection of Water cementratio
• For the same water cement ratio ,the compressive
strength may differ according to different cement,
supplementary cemetitious materials, aggregatesize,
grading, shape and surface texure.
• Preliminary w/c may be selected from established
relationship between w/c ratio and compressive
• Alternatively w/c ratio may be selected from table 5 of
IS: 456 for respective exposure condition.
Selection of w/c ratio
(Clause 7.1, IS:456-2000)
Degree of Site Control
(Table 8, IS:456-2000)
Type of Exposure (Table 3, IS:456-2000)
Step2 Selection of water/cement ratio
Step2 Selection of water/cement ratio
from table – 5, IS-456:2000
Step2 Selection of water/cement ratio

Considering moderate exposure,

Max w/c = 0.5
Hence w/c = 0.38
w/c = 0.38
4.2 Selection of Water content
Water content is influenced by……..
• Aggregate size
• Shape
• Texture
• Workability
• w/c ratio
• Other supplementary cementitious material
• Admixture
• Environment conditions
4.2 Selection of Water content
Selection of water content
Water content in table-2 is for
• Angular coarse aggregate ,
• - 10 kg for sub angular aggregate
• -20 kg for gravel with some crushedparticles.
• -25kg for rounded gravel
• Slump-25to 50mm, increase by 3 %for every
additional slump of 25mm.
Water content for admixtures
• -5 to -10% for water reducingadmixtures
• -20% for superplasticisers.
Water reducers
•At constant workability –
The reduction in mixing water is expected to be
of the order of 5% to 15%.
Naturally increases the strength.
•At constant w/c ratio –
Increased workability.
Slump of 30mm to 150mm.
Water reducers
1.Thin walls of water retainingstructures with
high percentage of steelreinforcement
2.Deep beams, column and beam junctions
3.Tremie concreting
4.Pumping of concrete
5.Hot weather concreting
6.Concrete to be conveyed for considerable
distance and in ready mixed concrete
Super Plasticisers
Superplasticizers constitute a relatively new
category and improved version of plasticizer, the use of
which was developed in Japan and Germany during 1960
and 1970 respectively. They are chemically different from
normal plasticisers.
Classification of Superplasticizers:
Sulphonated malanie-formaldehyde condensates(SMF)
 Sulphonated naphthalene-formaldehyde
condensates (SNF)
 Modified lignosulphonates(MLS)
 Other types
• Permits reduction of water about 30%
without reducing the workability
• It is possible to use w/c ratio as low as 0.25
even lower and yet to make flowing
concrete to obtain strength of order 120
Mpa or more.
• Production of high strength and
high performance concrete
• Production of flowing, self levelling,
self compacting concrete
Step3 Selection Of Water Content.
• From table – 2, IS-10262:2009
(For 20mm nominal max. size of aggregate & 25 to
50mm slump)
Max WC = 186 kg/m3
# Correction for slump in water content (according to
clause 4.2, IS:10262)
Slump = 100 mm
Correct WC for 100 mm slump = 186 + 6%
= 197.16 kg
197 kg of water per m3of concrete
4.3 Calculation of cementitious
Material content
• Calculate cementitious material from the
water cement ratio and the quantity of water
per cum(water content)
• Check it from durability requirement.
• Select higher value
• The maximum as per IS 456
Step4 Calculation Of Cement Content
Other Cementitious materials
 F l y ash

 Blast FurnaceSlag

 Silica Fume

 Nano Silica fume

 Rice Huskash

 Metakaoline

 Surkhi
4.4 Estimation of coarseaggregate
Coarse aggregate proportions
• Table -3 is for water cement ratio of 0.5,
proportion may be suitably adjusted for other
water cement ratio.(@-or+.01 for every
change in water cement ratio of.05)
• For given workability ,the volume of coarse
aggregate depends upon its nominal maxsize
and grading zone of fine aggregate.
• Reduce the estimated CAcontent by 10% if
pumping is to be done. It should be
consistent with IS 456 and meet project
4.5Combination of Different
Coarse Aggregate Fractions
4.6 Estimation of Fineaggregate
• Find out the absolute volume of cementitious
material, water and chemical admixture bydividing
their masses by their respective specific gravity and
multiplying by 1/1000.
• Subtract the result of summation above fromunit
volume. Find volume of total aggregates
• Divide coarse and fine aggregate fractions by volume
as per clause 4.4.
• Find CAand FAby multiplying their volumes with
respective specific gravities and multyplying by 1000.
Step 5: Selection of Proposition of
Volume of Coarse Aggregate
From table 3,(IS-10262:2009) for zone IIIrd of F.A.
Maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm.
Vol. of CA per unit vol. of total aggregate = 0.64
# For 0.1 decrease in w/c & increase in CA by 0.02
Applying correction of 0.024
Vol. of CA = 0.64 + 0.024
Total aggregate = 1
CA = 0.664m3
FA = 0.336m3
Quantities by volume
• Cement—518.42/(3.15*1000)=.165 cum
• Water ----197/(1*1000)=.197cum
• Aggregates -----1-(.165+.197)=.638 cum
• CA-------------.638*.664=.4236cum
• FA----------------.638*.336=.214 cum
Quantities by Mass
• Cement-----518.42 kg
• Water ----------197 kg
• CA--------------.4236*2.74*1000=1161.76kg
• FA------------.214*2.74*1000=586.36 kg

518.42 197 586.36 1161.76

1 0.38 1.13 2.24


1: 1.13: 2.24

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